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Everything posted by TriVox

  1. Hi! Up at this hour and I was toying with the thought of how can we remotely monitor activities on-board a vessel when its in the open sea? Open for discussions.....
  2. Any idea what configurations for such long range cameras? Or is there any at all?
  3. TriVox

    Remote monitoring from vessel

    Though 3G might be possible as a Coast Guard before, in the South China Sea alone and you will have problems with the network. Satellite network might help but i think the data transmission will cost a fortune. I remembered the first UN mission when my Commander briefed us on the cost of making a satellite phone call......geez..... My guess is they monitor the yachts at the marina and not when the yachts are sailing. 3G is possible if the sail route is within reception range. Reckon a few test run required to ascertain the feasibility. I did an assessment at a local marina and brought up some issues that many did not realise. In the air, I know there are limitations but at sea, I think there must be a solution somewhere out there and someone must have thought of this issue before me?
  4. TriVox


    Cool! thanks buddy! I'm out of Sing most time but we can kopi sometime?
  5. TriVox


    Any advice for a Newbie welcomed! Logging in from Singapore.
  6. TriVox

    5, 10, 20km surveillance

    I have come across 5km cameras but I think only thermal imaging right now in the market is possible to achieve that kinda range. Any experts out there?
  7. TriVox

    IP Surrveillance design for Basement

    The objective of setting up the cameras is fundamental. From the layout, this place looks like a shopping mall. If there is an existing system in place, it might be cheaper (depending on the set up). PM if you are in ASEAN or China region.
  8. TriVox

    IP Surrveillance design for Basement

    In which country is this located?
  9. TriVox

    Please help me to find the best solution

    Could you share the solutions to your issue? Thanks in advance!