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Everything posted by steven

  1. Would greatly appreciate your help.. We are required to provide a CCTV system that where latency shall be less than 75 ms. The Cameras are analog and therefore Codecs with very limited delay is required? Please help
  2. Thank you for your response. We are to design a large CCTV system that will monitor multiple sites to a central control building. The cameras used are PTZ analog type. The requirements states that when designing the system care should be taken when choosing the Codec. The network end to end delay shall be less than 75 ms. i.e. When an operator use the joystick to move a camera there shall be no noticeable delay. Therefore there are actually few questions / arguments: 1. Strictly based on what is stated above, as CCTV experts do you inturpet the 75 ms to be the total latency i.e. from sender to receiver and back to the operator, or jut one way and then total latency maybe around 150 ms? 2. Also with reference to point 1: Does the industry have a definition that is accepted by all for what "Network END TO END latency " really means? 2. From reading around, it seems no noticeable delay maybe achieved with latency less than 200 ms. What is your opinion? 3. If 75ms end to end means total delay from operator to PTZ and bac to operator, then we must find a codec that will not contribute to such delays, the minimum we see in the market are easily above 120ms. Keeping in mind that this system requires large bandwidth? Your thoughts please. Thank you all.