Hello All, great forum you have here, lots of questions about Static IP and Dynamic DNS from what I see, so I wanted to let you know TZO.COM has some DVR related tutorials on using a DVR or CCTV camera system on a Dynamic IP
In many cases, Static IP's are either VERY EXPENSIVE or unavailable. Using a Dynamic IP is much cheaper and easier to obtain. Instead of paying up to $1000 for a static IP if you can get one, you can save by using DDNS
TZO.COM has a DVR section at http://www.tzo.com/DVR
We have spent some time with various DVR's from GE Security, Bosch, Dedicated Micros, and ADT and created tutorials on setting up the DVR for your network. Check it out and see how using our DDNS can save you money and get your DVR up and running quickly.
I think the DVR section will help you setup the DVR and router or PC with the DDNS. These tutorials also cover important networking issues such as DSL modems and Bridge mode, port forwarding, and remote administration of the router.
I hope this helps everyone!