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Everything posted by treborsz

  1. treborsz

    Everfocus DVR RTSP URLs

    Please try it: - rtsp://DVR_IP_ADDRESS/Streaming/channels/0 - rtsp://DVRIP_ADDRESS/Streaming/channels/1 ....
  2. Unfortunately, your camera does not have a Pelco D Protocol.
  3. treborsz

    Best PTZ camera brand

  4. treborsz

    Keyboard Cable

    Yes, it is one of the solutions. The tab you can grind with one hand.
  5. treborsz

    Spectra IV Help

    Check the communication parameters: Pelco D, baud rate 2400, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity.
  6. treborsz

    Spectra IV Help

    Disconnect the keyboard KBD300A. Make sure you can control the camera via the DVR client software. If you can control the camera via software - unfortunately, to include KBD300A keyboard you need to buy additional equipment (Data Manager). You can also try to use the RS485 galvanic isolator. T1 - type of lighting for use in outdoor applications (default).
  7. treborsz

    Keyboard Cable

    Try to make yourself. You will need: 6-wire cable, two MMJ connector (RJ12, 6P6C MMJ / DEC) and a crimping tool (MMJ / DEC 6P6C).
  8. It must work. Check the performance of the data cable (RJ-45 => DB-9: 1=>2, 2+4+5+6=>5, 3=>3).
  9. Right. This controller supports only basic PTZ commands. You can find the appropriate software here.Do you already have an IPS Cable?
  10. treborsz

    Dedicated Micros DS2 Add Hard Drive

    For DM DS2 M2IP HDD change you can use this procedure.
  11. Remove the cover of the unit. Take a picture of the motherboard and place here. Jeśli jesteś polskojęzyczny - daj znać na priv.
  12. Digital Sprite DVTR platform can not be updated to version NetVu Connected. See attached file (NetVu_Compability Chart section).
  13. treborsz

    Dedicated Micros DS2 DVTR NetVU

    Perhaps it is impossible.
  14. treborsz

    Dedicated Micros D4

    I suggest you test a different hard drive. When problems persist after a proper "recovery", only hardware is left as culprit.
  15. Check out this method or give me the DVR serial number (for ex. 00-D0-D9-00-00-00).
  16. This is just part of the procedure... It is necessary in a subsequent step convertion to NetVue Connected version.
  17. If you perform the procedure - the recorder will have firmware 4.0 (85) ... More details why? Do you really read all of the instructions? Do also read the attached below (contained in the zipped files)?
  18. Instructions for coverting to a NetVu Connected Product Software upgrade to convert an existing DS2 DVTU to a NetVu Connected product (select: DS2 (DVTX) NetVu Connected). NetVu ObserVer App for iPhone
  19. Why do you use the serial interface? Information from Axxon Drivers Pack regarding this camera: "Video receiving with some settings of video and the image, telemetry works via Onvif."
  20. To format the disk use Fat32Formatter - you can download it from: http://www.ridgecrop.demon.co.uk/
  21. Network Viewer (network viewing software) - http://www.dedicatedmicros.com/software_release/download.php?file=1207 PC Playback (playback tool for Network Viewer exported video) - http://www.dedicatedmicros.com/software_release/download.php?file=1208 Dovimentation - http://www.dedicatedmicros.com/europe/support_product.php?selected_page_id=1&product_id=39
  22. See: http://www.dahuasecurity.com/onlinesupport-password%20reset_1.html And also see Reply Time:2011-03-30: http://www.dahuasecurity.com/onlinesupport-password%20reset_3.html
  23. Both old (Legacy) and new (M2IP) Digital Sprite has RS-485 interface to connect PTZ camera... The New DS2 is equipped with two RS485 ports (Serial Ports 3 and 4) that can be used for telemetry transmission. For control you can set common protocol, for ex. Pelco P. Camera - default for Pelco P control: - baud and parity settings: SW6-1 and :ON, other: - OFF (4800 baud, no parity) - protocol settings: SW5-1, -3, -5 and -8: ON, other: OFF (Pelco P) - address (for ex. 1): SW1: 1, SW2: 0, SW3: 0, SW4: 0 - RS-485 Termination - SW1 (location: housing interface board) - depending on installation New DS2 ((ex. for cam #1 and connection to port #3): - System Oprions -> Serial & telem ports -> Edit: Port -> Serial 3 Port Usage -> Telemetry Telemetry Type -> Pelco P Baid Rate -> 4800 - Camera Setup -> Camera 1 -> Serial 3: Pelco P (ex. for cam #1) Camera can be controlled from KBS3A keyboard or via Ethernet. By the way - Legacy versions of Digital Sprite supports Pelco P only with 9600 baud rate.
  24. treborsz

    Spectra 4 Problem

    You can control Pelco Spectra camera directly from the Intellex using Pelco P or Pelco D protocol via User-Defined Handler. See: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=25430