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Everything posted by Roytheboy

  1. Hi Buellwinkle, I have received a different software pack from the seller and am just about to try it out. Here is the link for the camera. http://www.ebay.com/itm/271226067600?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_from%3DR40%26_sacat%3D0%26_nkw%3D271226067600%26_rdc%3D1 Roy
  2. Hi All, My IP camera came with bundled software that only partially works. The VMS software only downloads the uninstallation program! Two things I should mention at this stage is that my camera was cheap and does not have a name and also it is hard-wired to my router. I can view it in my browser, so at least I know it's working, but can't alter any of the settings. I have tried a few free VMS tools and just cant get any joy; none of them could locate the camera. So, now I am using Milestone Essential (trial version). After a struggle, the cam has been located as a PSOE compliant device and is verified; but that`s as far as I can get. When I go into the camera view all I get is no video, and after a few seconds, a timed out message. I am new to this but am very keen to learn. Is there anybody out there that can help? Thanks in advance. Roy
  3. C´mon guys, this must be a common problem. Can´t anybody help me? PLEASE. Roy
  4. Hi MR2 and thanks for your interest. Thats the problem I have got; I cant adjust anything on the camera, because I cant get to the settings. All I can do is view the camera from my home PC. I cant get Milestone (or any other VMS program), to 'see' it. In other words, it is not accessible through the internet; I can see it, but you would not be able to, even if you had the password. I have been doing more research and the problem could be something to do with the router and the IP address that I am using. The IP address for the camera is a private one and I need to provide Milestone with a public address, and thats when it all goes haywire for me, because I am new to all this. If the software that came with the camera worked as it should, all of this could have been avoided, but s···t happens. The software came in 3 parts: The first part was finding the IP camera and it`s IP address on my home network; that worked just fine. The second part should have enabled me, through the VMS program, to adjust the camera settings such as frame rate, recording, etc. That part of the program only downloaded it`s uninstallation program, so it will not work! The third part was to do with seeing the camera on a smartphone, and I am yet to get to that stage. Like I said I`m new to all this, but I will sort it out if it kills me!!! I`ll keep looking. Thanks again for your interest. Roy
  5. Hi, Yes it is ONVIF compliant. I have tried to get in touch with the manufacturer but I am being ignored. This was an ebay purchase and they are now helping me to get some satisfaction. Like I said, it was cheap, but the image quality for both day and night are actually quite good, which is why I would like to persevere with getting it working properly.