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darren p.

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  1. Thanks for all of your input guys, this was real helpful. This project is going to be for a police department with various cameras set up at different locations across the town so they really only need to be single channel as each camera is going to be getting its own dedicated unit. Rory, I know you recomended me to GE stand alone units in my other post but I had a bit of trouble locating them. Thanks for posting those links! I think the DVMre is just what I'm looking for, the high quality video will come in handy as the captured video will be used for evidence in court. Can you direct me to somewhere I can get a hold of a unit for evaluation or pricing?
  2. I am looking for a Stand Alone DVR that I can connect to remotely via a TCP/IP interface and capture video clips to my PC's hard drive. I currently have a APPRO 3011 that lets me connect remotely and capture still images to my PC's hard drive but not video. It also needs to be Triplex so that I can capture, view and record all at the same time. It needs to be rack mountable as well. Do you guys know if there are any available stand alone DVRs that meet all of these needs? I posted this in the computer/networking forum but was referred to PC based capture cards, not stand alone units. I hope this isn't considered cross posting but I thought this was a more relevant forum. Any help is greatly appreciated. TIA!
  3. Awesome, I'll check out those models. Thanks for your help!
  4. I'm fairly new to DVRs but am no stranger to networking. I'm researching DVRs for a client and haven't been able to find one that has the capability of capturing video clips from a PC connected remotely to the DVR. I've been evaluating an APPRO 3011 that allows me to record and play from my remote PC as well as capture still images to the PC's hard drive but not video clips. Is this possible or do I have to look at other options. Any help is appreciated, I'll be searching the forums for an answer but like I said, any help would be great. Thanks, -darren