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Everything posted by Razesdark

  1. Razesdark

    Server specs

    What about the Nvidia Quadro FX 580 ? The quadro range is based on more proffesional based graphical use. (PS. Isn't 512 a tad low with 20 IP camera's ? Specially if ever go h.264? )
  2. I'm making this topic because I'm looking for some information regarding switches. We have a large network set out at the moment using Netgear and Moxa switches. Sadly, the Moxa switches we use have fibre inputs and are able to create a nice network ring but don't go further then 10/100 ports I want to replace all the moxa's in our network for 10/100/1000 port switches and make it more dependable for the future and make full use of the fibres. I was already looking at the GSM7328Sv2 switches for example. I like them due to the fact that they're stackable. But I once heard of people from Bosch that IP CCTV requires certain functions in large network switches. Mostly due to multicasting. So I was wondering. What kind of switches have you used so far ? How big was the network you used it in. And why did you choose that particular switch and/or brand?
  3. Perhaps I can shed some light on the situation then. We have a large ring of glass fibre on our entire plant. Our plant size is roughly 16 km² in size. Of this ring I have several branches of fibre. Each of the nodes of the ring is placed in a factory and the brances are within the factories themselves. Our security controll centre is one of the nodes as well. They monitor somewhat of a 90 camera's at the moment and is graduatly increasing. All coming from DVR's placed on the network. Now at the moment the DVR's are placed in 3 different places and I want to place them all at 1 spot. This is also the place I wish to replace the switch due to the fact that the current one only has 12 ports and it isn't enough. But the whole network was build by someone with no network knowledge prior to his building. (we have IP's such as or So I'm in doubt in how reliable the network is at the moment. Now, due to lack of knowledge we got Bosch to build us a IP system in one of our factory using the BVMS solution. In their engineering they planned a Core switch. Now I think this is personally a tad overdone, but it's planned to have 200 camera's in the end on the entire system within that one factory. But it did gave me something to think about. Hence me starting this topic
  4. Hello, We are having plans here to redo our controll room and one of the things we would like change is the VMS software we're using. We currenly have camIQ (http://www.rosemann-software.de) running. We aren't all to happy about it and we're looking around to see what more there is too offer. I got two VMS packages on my mind, namely Milestone or BVMS. I was wondering if any of you know some packages they might recommend ? We have about ~100 camera's. We use NETrec recorders to record and convert the camera's. I'm not all to happy with Videotronic equipment and looking into replacing it all, but it might not be an option regarding the costs.