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  1. ariochaotik

    PTZ control lock up in CMS only

    I finally figured it out. The PTZ inactivity feature on the camera mapping menu was causing the lockups. I unchecked the box and programmed it on the cameras themselves instead, all works beautifully now.
  2. ariochaotik

    PTZ control lock up in CMS only

    I have an issue that ive been trying desperately to resolve. We have 2 DVR's both with geovision cards. One DVR has multiple PTZ's. Everything works fine controlling locally, with IE remotely and with multiview remotely. However, When using the CMS software remotely the Geovsion software on the DVR locks up when I switch from controlling one PTZ to another every time. Ive tried changing out the IO card, installed many version os the Geovision software from 8.1 on up to 8.4 Any advice would be greatly apreciated.