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  1. I am new to this system and trying to get it going but having difficulties. I purchased the WJ-HD316A and WV-CU650 used as well as a bunch of cameras in an auction. Cameras are the WV-CW964. I'm just trying to take it one step at a time right now. I've got everything hooked up and going according to the manuals of the DVR and controller although I cannot get the two to work together. I've got the mode switches on the controller set to all off except 5. Mode switches on the DVR set to all off except 7. I've got all the ps data settings the same on the DVR. Baud Rate 9600, Stop Bit 1, Parity None, Wait Time Off. I've read through the manual and am not getting it figured out. Any help on getting this installed and working would be much appreciated. Thanks, Brian
  2. I thank you both for your help. That will give me something to "chew" on for a while. I haven't actually seen the overall size of the track yet so I don't know what I am working with here. I might just be able to use regular analog cameras with a good lens. Who knows. Hopefully that will be the case, and I believe that would be the best solution if it is possible. But anyway, again thank you for your response. Thanks, Brian
  3. I have recently been asked to set up a security system at a small race track in my area. I have not been to the track yet and don't know how far away the cables are going to need to be away from the DVR. I know that some cameras will be further than 500ft. What kind of system is going to be best? I am guessing some kind of wireless system will be best due to the fact that if I had to run cable some would have to go over the track. But another question is will the noise of the race cars affect the frequency of the wireless cameras? Also, how much range do typical wireless cameras have? Thanks, Brian
  4. Bmonaweck02

    Difference between CNB BBM-20 & CNB BBM-24F???

    So basically they are the same camera? They are both "True Day Night" Cameras correct?
  5. Bmonaweck02

    CNB CBM-20VD??? Good???

    Outdoor, but I think I am going to get heated & cooled housings. Hi Bmonaweck. the CNB 20vd are not good for putting into housings. they are used for internal use. (can also buy in dome type) for housing use have a look at the CNB BBM-20F/BBM-21F much better camera with better lens choice I was just looking at the CNB BBM-20 and the CNB BBM-24F, what is the difference between the two. I was thinking I would get some CNB BBM-20's.
  6. I am looking at getting CNB BBM-20 Cameras. But I see the CNB BBM-24F and the only difference I see is that is had 2 ICR(which IDK what it is, I assume it is 2 IRs) and that it has a min lux of .005 not .05. I would like to get the CNB BBM-20 because it is cheaper, but would also like to know the difference.
  7. Bmonaweck02

    CNB CBM-20VD??? Good???

    Outdoor, but I think I am going to get heated & cooled housings.
  8. Bmonaweck02

    Samsung SCC-130

    I did a search for bosch 495 and it comes up with Bosch VDN-495 which was $600 is there a different camera you are speaking of.
  9. Bmonaweck02

    CNB CBM-20VD??? Good???

    Looking at the CNB CBM-20VD with built in lens? Are they any good? The specs of the camera are good, but has anyone used this camera before, and if so can I have some feedback on it? THANKS in advance!
  10. Bmonaweck02

    Samsung SCC-130

    Have you had any experience with these camera's? Do you know how they do at night with good lighting? Do they provide a good clear picture? How do they compare to the CNB True Day Night Cameras? Thank You for your help!!!
  11. Bmonaweck02

    Samsung SCC-130

    I am looking at these Samsung SCC-130 cameras with a 7mm-70mm lens on them... I know that samsung makes good cameras but are these good quality cameras or are they old and out dated. Also, what are some other good cameras for around $100. I am looking at some cameras with the Sony Effio chips in them because I heard that they are good. I am looking to set-up a system A.S.A.P. but I do not want to make the mistake of getting junk. I am looking at getting a 16 channel DVR with 8 cameras as of right now. But do not know what brands are good. I do know that the IR cameras are not the best and that a true day/night camera is the best. Any suggestions for good cameras for around $100 as well as a 16 channel DVR for around $500 will be greatly appreciated upfront. THANKS in advance!!!
  12. Bmonaweck02

    Security System Design!!!

    Ok, I will use the RG59 then, As far as cameras what do you suggest? I am looking at a true day/night camera, what is the best brand and if you have a particular camera you like could you suggest it? I am looking at under $100 a piece
  13. Bmonaweck02

    Security System Design!!!

    What is going to give the best quality?
  14. Bmonaweck02

    Security System Design!!!

    I am looking to setup a security system. First off, what is the best "cable/wire" is best for cctv cameras? RG59 or Cat5? I am looking to go long distance with my cables, up to 200'. What is going to be the best quality? As well as possibly 1 or 2 cameras as far away from the DVR as 500' or 600'. Now that is a possibility but probably not going to go that far away from the DVR. What is the best "cable/wire" for the best qaulity? If RG59 is not the best way to go, please instruct on how to use other cable/wire because I've only used RG59. Also, I am debating between a dahua DVR or a PELCO DVR5116-1000 off of ebay. Which is better, I am looking at a 16 channel system with 8 cameras right away. What, would be the best camera for under $100 dollars a piece. I have very good lighting if that helps.. Thanks to all who respond with suggestions in advance. Thanks
  15. Would you recommend this over a dahua?