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  1. zp18zp18

    DVROCX for Mozilla, Chrome etc

    Is there an equivalent product for other browsers than IE? I have a computer which simply will not run ie or mozilla but Chrome does everything except display my remote cameras. TIA
  2. I just put my QSee QSD2308L online so I could access it away from the office. I added a user and pwd with 'Normal' access so I could ask him to take a look from his office to make sure it was working. (Works fine!) The issue is: as access 'Normal', he has access to the Config button and can add, change, delete users etc. Access level is only Admin, Advanced and Normal. How can I allow readonly viewing and no change or access to system functions by setting the access level?? This seems like a giant hole in the security for the remote access capability and there must be a way otherwise why even have 3 levels? TIA