Hello all, first time poster, long time lurker. With that said, over the summer I installed a q-see security camera system at my home. Just a simple two camera setup with a stand alone q-see DVR (QSDR04RTC-320) my mistake. As u probably all already know for the most part q-see products are junk ( I got what I paid for) and the software is poorly made and looks like it was written and designed in the mid 80's. Anyway to the problem, a pizza man was recently assaulted and robbed at gun point in my drive way last night by four black juveniles, all caught perfectly on my front camera. With the police on there way, I tried to make a copy of the video file off the of DVR, so I plugged in my portable hard drive to the DVR n when I went to the video file it was split into three different files two of which were both 0mb in size and one that was 0.1mb. My guess is that the DVR was still making the video file while I plugged in the portable hard drive and that's what messed it up. The DVR makes video files one hour long each, and I have both the files from the hour before and after the assault. I even went as far as to open up the DVR take out the hard drive and plug it into my desktop, with no success. Win 7 couldn't recognize the filing system. I am calling q-see tech support when it opens, but i doubt they will be able to help. Any help from anyone on here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks