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Everything posted by Sc00by

  1. Hello, I have just bought this unit: http://www.fvs-cctv.com/index.php/D-GUARD/01-DVRX4TX-4-CAMERA-TRIPLEX-MPEG-4-USB-WEBSERVER.htm This is placed in a remote location covering one camera with people occasionally copying the footage off to a USB pen to watch on a PC. The unit itself works fine, records perfectly, plays back on the unit itself spot on but I am having problems playing back on a PC. I copy all the required footage off to a pen drive which seems to create its own little exe called DVR_player.exe and all the footage in .DVR format. I cannot for the life of me get this program to play anything. I run via the autorun and on its own but it wont play anything, it'll hang, crash etc. I'm pulling my hair out with this one! Can someone advise? I did try exporting via AVI but the picture is all squished and it does not time stamp any clips which is no use if you have to give it to any authoritys!!! Can someone please help me on this one? Cheers
  2. Sc00by

    DVR Player HELP!!

    I've tried it on 4 PC's (3 desktops 1 laptop) all running xp pro sp3 one with no antivirus etc with the same results on ALL machines