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Everything posted by skystudios

  1. I see they have software for the PC, androids and iphones, but never the less no MAC OSX, anyone hear anything or use alternative app to access cameras from the network or net on macs?
  2. thanks for the reply, Parralels is exactly the problem, i get viruses and hackers with PCs, never problems like this with macs, i trying to avoid re installing , already done this 4 times now.
  3. I need help setting up Dyn DNS I use No-ip its a free service My host IP name ends with a .net instead of a .com as no-ip.com the screenshot is showing my options in french, what exactly would one fill in here, becuase every time i add my logic which is my hotmail address it rejects it, and that is what i use to log into the no-ip website as well as update my host dns address. any ideas?
  4. what the router gui allowed me to do is forward port 80 to the dvr IP, its on the ethernet, the ip which i also set up in the dvr scratch everything, i got a dyn DNS host name instead and used a reg name instead of email now it all works, eh never no-ip again, atleast witht his router thanks
  5. I do appreciate you taking the time to answer this, my user name for my no-ip.com account is my email as far as i remember there is no other name, its your email. The GUI not only resets my email to half of it leaving out the @hotmail part in the Nom d'utilisateur section, but even the Service section resets itself back to the first typo which is noip DDNS, something i realized now is a paid feature. Service: (((no-ip DDNS))) Nom de domaine: (((hostname.no-ip.info))) Nom d'utilisateur: (((my email is how i log in))) Mot de passe: ((thepassword)) If emails are not used as logins with routers maybe i should change this or pay for a ddns service., do you know any free dns services that work with a regular login name rather then a email? when i try to log in with half the email on their website i get this: Username / Password combination is incorrect. Please try again.
  6. it does not ask you for your email the domain name should be your NO ip.com account followed by your user name and password. I thought my user name to update all my domain host names is is my email and a password of course, do let me know if i misunderstood that please., if i type in just part of the email to update the IP via the no-ip application it says the login is incorrect., but as soon as i add the HOTMAIL part it works. this link also provides some screenshots, i could be wrong since it says DDNS http://www.icrealtime.com/support/howto.asp?noteid=K96071 I am under the impression that the GUI or cable network router GUI has a bug and refuses to let me add the whole email or anything new now, it resets my login (the email) to a short name with out the @hotmail part as if its too long.
  7. Domaine name is the host name or my login? thats what confuses me i have to log into NO IP.com or the host to update it with my email for example, so whenever i type it it resets itself excluding the @hotmail.com part leaving only the actually email name, maybe its a gui problem here
  8. Thank you very very much for the help, saved me allot of time be well
  9. Hello world, i just purchased a Hikvision DS-7204HI, i have a Bbox cable router anyone know how to set up the dvr with this router, its very complicated, i sort of found some info here http://www.commentcamarche.net/forum/affich-5137745-configuration-du-routeur-b-box, this is what the router GUI looks like, but they changed the GUI a bit recently and also my free no ip host addressed needs updating but my question is will this work over the net with a iPhone, a friend showed me his and it worked but he has no clue with Bbox routers Please advise Cheers Dave
  10. Ok it was a GUI problem with their router's firewall cause every time i open the port and directed it to the IP of the dvr it defaulted to another IP instead like a computer on the wifi network, i restarted and managed to do it so it all works now on port 80 why would you recommend port 90, is it more secure? And i guess i would have to change the port from 80 to 90 as well as to 9000 in the dvr if i want to use 90 or can i leave it at 8000? Thanks allot