I have the following configuration:
Geovision G1480A card with Camera's with Sony Super HAD 600TVL
When I connect the camera's to a TV (using the composite) I have perfect quality.
After connecting 1 camera to the GeoVision System I loses I think 25% of the quality.
I have set the resolution (PAL to 704x576) Netherlands
Record quality 5
No Deinterlaced
But still the quality on the TV is much better than the quality on the recorder.
(Recorder connectred to Same TV using HDMI and Try to connect to Eizo 19"LCD)
Somebody with other ideas?
PC configuration:
Kingston SSDNow V 30GB SATAII
Samsung HD F2 1TB EcoGreen
Intel Quad Core i5 760 s1156
Asus P7H55-M LX s1156
Club3D GeForce 210 512MB Nois
Crucial DDR3 1333MHz 4GB (CL9)
MS Windows 7 PRO 32-bit NL oem