bios troubles. You have a possible hardware problem. was somebody in there looking around ? Try upgrading it but more than one beep with the exception of compaq means trouble.
Greeting's I'm new to the CCTV world and am quite happy that I've found this forum. Here is my problem....
I purchased an RF camera and base station. I have no reason to suspect the quality (yet) but I thought I could get it going by plugging the base station into my ATI video card that has a TV port.
I don't belive this can be done so I need two thing's..
A recommendation for a DVR card ( 2 camera minimun) average quality
A software package that will let me capture, record etc...
Some feedback on how I should have done it in the first place and some vendor input. What about Linux vs windows ? Should I go towards one platform or another ?
Cheers !
I believe the application Luxriot has All in Wonder support. The base station has an RCA output. I'll plug it into the Wonder ,give it a try and post.
Thanks !