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Everything posted by Leohuangdi

  1. Try hardware reset, following the instructions i send you, at the same time keep the usb (with firmw, 1043) in the usb port. Link instructions: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B_Tf3Yb1yhhROGIyYjZlMjYtZjZmMC00NjNiLTk5ZDAtNzMzZTkxZjgzYjA3&hl=en If it's not working you need to replace the card or send to repair.
  2. No software is needed, it opens with web browser, of course you have to allow the computer to install the active x (yellow box on the top when you open the page) and make sure your java is updated. That is a link to the dvr, you have to open the file Motion_20110401151423.htm (clicking on the botton "Open") and make sure the dvr is working, and the video had not been deleted. If you want me to try for you i will need the file (Motion_20110401151423.htm) Leo
  3. Leohuangdi

    avtech dvr remote viewing

    Yes, that's right. It's really a pity to have a dvr and cannot log in from internet. In fact it takes little time to do that, it cannot be very expensive.
  4. Leohuangdi

    AVTech AVC-770 Data Recovery.

    If i could get one of your video files i could be sure of which program you need to use. Do you think you can send me one? It's good to check the firmware version of your dvr, tell me which one you have, if i have a newer one i'll send to you. Leo
  5. Leohuangdi

    CCTV Recomendations for a Newbie

    The camera you selected it's really too strong for that DVR. That DVR has 704 x 576 pixels and totally 30 IPS at that resolution (it means you can see real time video only with one camera installed). If you want real time video with 4 cameras you need to low resolution to CIF 352×240 pixels. If you want a fluent video don't forget to check it's IPS (now "full D1" dvrs can offer real time video at best resolution for all channels). If you have any smart phone and want to access to your dvr, check carefully that your model is supported by dvr (sometimes you can have a try using the demo site of the company).
  6. Leohuangdi

    Avtech KPD674 PTZ control

    Hi, -First you should check if inverting the position of wires it's working -Second what is the camera you are controlling? (also avtech?) Otherwise you need to check the protocol (avtech dvrs support: avtech, pelco-p, pelco-d) -Of course both camera and dvr must be power on -Check that on the dvr configuration you insert the settings of the camera correctly: (ID, baud rate, protocol - must be the same of the ones in camera config.), and make sure you selected "PTZ" option in Device (in the channel you connected the ptz camera). I use different ptz adapter (with 9 ports) and i connect the wires in port 8 and 9, but it should work also with your.
  7. Leohuangdi

    AVTech AVC-770 Data Recovery.

    oops, wrong link, this is the right link for the videoplayer to see single videos in your pc after backup https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B_Tf3Yb1yhhRZjhkYjdmMmEtZTFhMy00ZTVlLTg2MWMtNzAyMTdmMTU3ZWZj&hl=en&authkey=COXG7IQI
  8. Leohuangdi

    AVTech AVC-770 Data Recovery.

    Then the program doesn't recognize your HDD, i can see the menu like that only if i don't connect the hdd. Do you still have the opportunity to get the files by backup (maybe using USB driver)? I give you the player to see them in your computer (at least it's something), using that you should be able also to convert to another video format. https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B_Tf3Yb1yhhROWI2ZWU2MmQtZTE3ZC00NjVlLTgwNjItNzBlNjk3ZmQzZDky&hl=en&authkey=CP2o9toI Hope it can help you
  9. Leohuangdi

    AVTech AVC-770 Data Recovery.

    To see video recorded files of Avtech dvr, when you connect the hard disk to your pc you have to use a particoular program. Check this, and tell me if it's working. https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B_Tf3Yb1yhhROWI2ZWU2MmQtZTE3ZC00NjVlLTgwNjItNzBlNjk3ZmQzZDky&hl=en
  10. Try to disconnect the one is working and try only with the other one. Check the IP number of the devices is different, and also check they are both working by connecting with coaxial cable to a monitor. there is also a possibility that one of the dvrs doesn't support the version of your software, need to check the version.....and get a newer one if needed
  11. Maybe this one? MS621F , that one is Manganese Silicon battery, 3V. The one i always see in Avtech dvrs are lithium battery 3V CR2032. i think it should be ok for your DVR too (the most important is the voltage).
  12. Leohuangdi

    Avtech 674

    I never used that kind of router but should be like the others here i send you another document to setup the router (if you find somebody to help you even better). https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B_Tf3Yb1yhhRNWExOTAyY2EtOTIzMy00M2FmLWI4ZDQtMTVkYjYzYjUwMTk3&hl=en&authkey=COb3oZEE I know that in italy some internet company's router doesn't allow to open ports in the router (need to call them and activate the function), since you called the company i think you are ok now. (i also have trouble in the past with them, often they forward your call many many times). Have a try, if you cannot do it i will give you some more help.
  13. Yes, i know for sure that you can use that camera with eagle eyes. But of course with the resolution of your mobile phone.
  14. Leohuangdi

    Avtech 674

    Hi Jayk, It's easy to know if you have a fixed or dynamic ip adress, the second one changes (after some time, day.....). The first one is more expensive and you need to ask for it. If you are not sure, just try both of the connections. Can you still connect to internet with your computer through the router? then just need to open a port for the dvr (the one you assigned to it, maybe not port 80, ok?). to verify the adress is active, do the Ping in your computer: 1. Open the command window by clicking START, then RUN. Type CMD, and press Enter or click OK. 2. Type "ping hostname" or "ping IPaddress". For example, type your dyndns adress "ping name.dyndns.com". Or enter IP adress ex: "ping" 3. press "Enter", see pingOutput Waiting for your test in wednesday
  15. Leohuangdi

    DVR Recommendation

    the one vacuumtube suggested is very good (maybe a little bit expensive for me). To make sure the interface is the one you want maybe you can try it. this is the IP adress: IVS-4CH.dyndns.org user:guest password:guest port:80 Of course there are many brands with good DVR, you can check one by one
  16. Leohuangdi


    Look at this picture, it should be what you need. This is the backup using the software AP. hope it can be usefull to you
  17. Leohuangdi

    Hard Disk Drive Not Detected

    Try to format the hard disk first in your computer, and upgrade the firmware of your dvr to the latest version. Some kinds of HDD are not compatible with the device (you need to check the manual).
  18. Hi Eddie, you can try to format the HDD in your computer, or try to upgrade the firmware. But first take a look to the list of records to check if it's really overwriting the same files (some DVRs they divided the hdd in lots of some GB, so it's possible that that dvr don't show the total space of hard disk but one by one all the lot). About the power, that model i think doesn't have battery, in the manual they said to recharge it for consecutives 24 or 48 hours. Since you have the problem with the electricity you should consider to buy an UPS (uninterruped power suplly).
  19. Leohuangdi

    Reset networked password?

    Hi, Hardware reset will restore all settings to default, but maybe there is no need to do that. Username and password of default are (user: admin , psw: admin). Because of the firmware, i think the device should be a CPD505 mpeg4 (you can find on the label of the product, is it right?) In the menu of DVR, if you go to "General", then "Account" here you will find all the active users (and the username and password you choosen for them). Clicking "Add" you can create a new user: create a "Supervisor" user to have total access to the dvr from internet, and choose the name and password you want. If you have any problem, reply me. (the firmware you have is not the newest one, but if the dvr is working you don't need to upgrade)
  20. Leohuangdi

    Avtech 674

    dear jayk, those products should be more user friendly, the first time i connected one i also need a very long explaination. Hope everything it's working fine now.
  21. Leohuangdi

    Avtech 674

    When you have an DHCP connection you need to select in the network and apply for a DDNS account, did you do that? (then you have to enters the informations in the DDNS part). I have 2 files for the internet configuration i hope they can be usefull. One is in spanish...........but still can look the pictures https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B_Tf3Yb1yhhRNzAwYzkzZGMtOTRlYS00NDZiLTg2MTgtY2JiMmFjNzYwYTM3&hl=en&authkey=CIPApdcF https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B_Tf3Yb1yhhRODg3MmJiYmYtZDgxZi00YTMwLTlmMzgtNzBiNmI1MjVkM2Jh&hl=en&authkey=CIfg0c8K After the connection by internet is ok, we can talk about connect from mobile phone
  22. Leohuangdi


    This is a link to download the new firmware for kpd 674 ZA Ver 1043 https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B_Tf3Yb1yhhRYjY0NzNmN2YtZTdkMS00YzJmLWFjNjgtYTYxY2Y4Y2U0Njky&hl=en&authkey=CJuaqeID
  23. Hi, This is the last firmware i have for KPD674B https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B_Tf3Yb1yhhRNDZjODllOGQtOTgwMC00ZDlkLWEwZmEtY2NhMGQxZTgxOGRl&hl=en&authkey=CJr37tIC Hope can be usefull for you
  24. Leohuangdi

    Avtech 674

    Hi Jayk, Is your DVR a kpd674? Using LAN connection to pc should be working: 1-Go to the network settings of your PC, open properties of "Local Lan connection" and change internet protocol (tcp/ip) as follow: -use the following IP adress -Ip adress: 192.168.1.xx (the first part should be the same of IP adress of the dvr, while the last 2 numbers "xx" need to be different). -Subnet mask: (leave all the others in white) 2-Open Videoviewer software click the icon in the top right (the icon of lens) he should have to detect your dvr and appear his ip number Double click on the number and enter user and password in the settings After that you can access to your dvr by Lan To connect your DVR to internet, you need to configure the dvr in base of your internet settings: if you don't have a fixed ip adress you need to apply for a DNS free account. This part is longer to explain. Tell me your result with Lan connection, later i will help you with internet connection. I give you some contacts of AVTECH: support@avtech.com.tw Tel: + 886 2 2655 3866 Hope these informations can be usefull to you Leohuangdi
  25. Hi abc, Glad to help you. To know how far a camera can see you don't have just to look only to the IR leds, even the apertures and the digital processor are important to get an image of good quality during the night. I think 40 meters maybe is too much, the distance should be 25 or less meters. Quite important is that the camera has some functions like "smart like control" to avoid IR overexposure (otherwise you can have images too bright). about other brands cameras these are the one i know Hikvision Acti Arecont Panasonic Samsung Zavio iQinvision