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Everything posted by Leohuangdi

  1. Hi abc, The camera is ok, i used for some months without problem, the most difficoult part it's always when install it (hope you don't have problem to open ports in the router). There is also another camera (avn362) it's megapixel for outdoor with face tracking and digital PTZ, but i am sure it will be more expensive. I saw that in this period they have some activity with the indoor ip camera avn304 (maybe you can get one for free), check their website. about other brands, vivotech's megapixel cameras have very fluent video with the simultaneous triple streaming, but also higher price. I hope these info can be usefull to you
  2. Leohuangdi

    AVTECH 674 Issues

    Having a few problems trying to get the above DVR working. I have managed to get it working through the LAN without any problems. I just cannot connect remotely. 1) Would I be right in thinking that I have to set the DVR to PPPOE rather than static in order for it to work remotely? It depends of your internet connection (do you have a normal Adsl?) then of course it's not a fixed IP. If you have any user or password from the internet company need to enter in the network configurations of the dvr together with the dyndns 2) I have set-up a domain on dyndns.com. In my port forwarding I have used the router's ip address and port number 80. Is that correct for connecting remotely? 80 is the port for internet, i suggest to use another port,...... like 8080. I suggest to ping your dyndns account to see if it's active or not. 3) On Video Viewer on my iphone I use the hostname *&*$^.dyndns.org etc. In Iphone Avtech uses EagleEyes program, config it's ok I have done all the above, but still can't get it to work? Is it anything to do with the fact that my ISP uses PPPOA and not PPPOE? That it's not important If you have the opportunity try to connect the DVR from another internet line, just to make sure where is the problem (what's the brand of your router?) D
  3. Leohuangdi

    avtech 760 and playback problem

    If it's not working you can try to format with your PC, also check if the firmware it's the last one, otherwise you can download from here: https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B_Tf3Yb1yhhRYjg0ODI5NjItNTQ3My00ZTIzLThiNzAtYWQ3MjU0ZjUyMjIw&hl=en if you still cannot see the videos you can try this program: install the hard disk in your PC and open the videos with the program (your dvr is a little bit old i am not sure it's working). https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B_Tf3Yb1yhhROWI2ZWU2MmQtZTE3ZC00NjVlLTgwNjItNzBlNjk3ZmQzZDky&hl=en
  4. I have no release note. Something new of this version is that you can set DDNS from local site and you can set mouse sensivity.
  5. Leohuangdi

    avtech dvr remote viewing

    It's very long to explain. You should check that the configuration of network in your dvr is right, and that you have access to internet. there are 3 kinds of connection: Fix IP, pppoe and dhcp (the last two require also a ddns account). check which internet connection you have and enter the informations in the dvr. To understand where is the problem i should know what you do step by step.
  6. It depends of the model. Write me the name of the model you need. For KPD674B the version now is 1008. https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B_Tf3Yb1yhhRNzBlYmM2YzEtYmYwMC00N2RkLWJiMzAtN2FlYzNmNmU1MTQw&hl=en