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Everything posted by j4str

  1. it has a riser card and fits full size pci cards. Its the computer i have, so id like to use it
  2. I have extra ram i could throw in. Processor i don't think can get much of an upgrade without a new motherboard and that specific computer would need a new power supply too. So basicly can't upgrade the cpu without ditching the whole pc. Im not sure about graphics cards. It takes those wierd short slimline cards. Its One of those flat cases that sit underneath the monitor that you always see in schools. http://www.amaxpc.net/image.php?productid=16389 So will i be able to run one of those NV3000? The more i find out about the generic cards the less i want one. Its not just getting them to work that they have an issue with
  3. im now wondering if the pc i was wanting to use will even be fast enough for this. Its pentium 4 1.7ghz and 256mb ram. Currently running xp service pack 2 but that could be changed
  4. j4str

    best camera for $75

    Most Color IR cameras in that price range will pretty much be the same. Just make sure it is 1/3" and 4mm or less, for your app. If you want to see the difference between a couple different color IR and a TDN IR check my sig links. the other camera i posted, somebody said was junk. So id rather somebody who knows what they are doing, pick out the camera. Do you say 4mm because i want to shoot my front porch? Maybe i should post a pic of my house and what i want to accomplish. I attached a pic of my house. And keep in mind that there is a street light across the street, so its never "pitch black" at night. It gets dark, but never dark enough that i would trip on anything, or feel the need for a flashlight to walk out to the car.
  5. i thought using good software would make it function, not improve the card I was thinking quality would be close to the same, but ease of setup would be a lot harder. But i found a few people say that with using a cheap card that their video was so ridiculously grainy that nothing was recognizable. I don't mind a slight decrease in video quality, but if i can't even recognize anything than whats the point? That got me thinking that maybe i should just buy a decent card Avermedia NV3000 is $100 and seems to be the cheapest one that has over whelming positive reviews.
  6. so i take it that not too many people on here have cheap generic cards? I don't see why i couldn't get a cheap one to work if i had good software and correct drivers. I'll keep asking around on different places till i find someone say i can get it to work. I don't want to be a guinea pig, if i plan to spend $20 on a cheap card, its to save money, not to waste it.
  7. j4str

    best camera for $75

    My point was that i have about $75 to spend on the camera. I want to get something in that price range. That way i can see if it suits my needs or not. That way in the future i can decide if i want another of the same one, or if i need something better than that. Well tell me about one worth $75 or more for $75.
  8. heres one listed on amazon for $20 it says it has software and whatnot, but the 2 reviews both say they couldn't get it to to work. But i wonder if those people have little know-how i plan to use one of the softwares listed in the sticky thread