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Everything posted by Danzka

  1. Hi there, I have a customer who wants to be supplied Sony CCTV systems and I'm trying to find out whether the Chinese companies that use Sony chipsets make an equivalent product to what Sony do. Or rather, how big a difference is there in quality? I've used some cameras that have Sony chipsets and the quality is very good. I would prefer to supply the Chinese gear with Sony chipsets but they want to go with branded gear. Is there THAT much difference between the two if you get a good Chinese company like I have at the moment? Any helpful comments would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Thanks for your feedback so far guys. The minor/major problem with Sony is that I am in Zimbabwe, and getting hold of Sony products at reasonable prices out there is a tad difficult. I can't go via South Africa as their prices are absolutely horrendous. Noone imports CCTV via SA the market can't afford it. Does anyone here have any ways of getting hold of Sony CCTV equipment at decent prices? thanks in advance