i have a number of systems running with large mp throughput. I have noticed a major limitation is with disk IO (read write speeds). When pushed too hard ie 10-15mp @30fps, the hard drives cant cope because all the cameras are writing to one drive. eventually the systems throw an 'insignificant drive space error' and i have to manually delete some files. i have asked aver to allow users to specify which cameras record on which drives. eg cam 1-8 records to drive 1 and cams 9-16 on drive 2 etc. so far no joy with aver. Geovision took this recommendation on board a long time ago and it means the system can cope better with more megapixels.
Anybody else has problems with this or knows of a solution??
I've noticed that when using Sanyo cameras after a few weeks aver changes the framerate from whatever you set it to MAX (30fps). frustrating!