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Everything posted by kevbabes

  1. HI all Hoping for some help. I've just changed our DVR - keeping cameras / cabling etc all the same. Wanted a better way to look via phones etc than our first one. And wanted an option to send emails when triggered Both are DVR and both are H.264. The first one was bought as a package (cameras, cables, DVR) However when I connect the cameras threes no picture just "lost video feed" Have reconnected the old DVR and all works fine again PS I don't really have a clue what I'm talking about (this is probably very evident) Thanks
  2. kevbabes

    CCTV from DVR to TV

    Hi I'm trying to see my CCTV on my 2 x TV's. (CNM secure H264 DVR unit) I have not worked out how to send the signal from the CCTV unit to the TV's though. Do I use VGA or USB ?? (these are the options at the back of my CCTV unit. I do have 2 video out "ports" that would seem to be the obvious answer but not sure how to make these wireless.) I have the CCTV linked to my router but not sure how to do the same with my TV's (to be viewable) I want to use to view on both TV'S so will clearly need 2 receivers for whatever sender I get. Sorry I'm a real dunce when it comes to this. Thanks in advance Kevin
  3. kevbabes

    CCTV from DVR to TV

    Receieved that ^ unit this am. Easy to set up - just connected everything up. Works brilliantly. Thanks to everyone for their help / advice. Kev
  4. kevbabes

    CCTV from DVR to TV

    Thank you... Have ordered this and between you, the seller, and the bloke at maplins I think I'll be able to sort this. Will report progress next week
  5. kevbabes

    CCTV from DVR to TV

    DVR in the hall. TV x 1 in lounge TV x 2 in bedroom above lounge Don't want to do with wires. Would like to do it for much cheaper than the first 2 suggestions here so would like to learn about these many ways wireless. Don't care to have any control of the cameras - I just want to view them. Thanks.
  6. kevbabes

    CCTV from DVR to TV

    Yes I'm uk. Errr I'll try to do that - when ive googled to see what it means...thanks - that will allow me to view it on downstairs but not the upstairs tv (both connected to virgin, downstairs also connected to analogue aerial too).
  7. kevbabes

    IP address changing

    Hi. I have a 4 camera CCTV system which works on a website and I can also view it on my iphone. However the IP address keeps changing so after a couple of days I have to look at the system, see the new ip address and then change the settings on the iPhone. I'm currently using it in DHCP mode.. Not sure if this is the right one - I have options of PPPOE or STATIC instead but when I click on these I can't seem to match an ip address with anything that works. How do I configure the CCTV so it has a static ip address ? I have the instructions from the iPhone app but can't understand them. I would be very grateful for any help... btw I am completely useless when it comes to networking jargon so please be patient with me. Thanks. Kevin
  8. kevbabes

    IP address changing

    Thanks ... It's the virgin super hub (Netgear VMDG480)
  9. kevbabes

    IP address changing

    Thanks but I don't want to leave a pc on all the time. There must be a way to set this up without the ip address changing !
  10. Hi. Sorry if this is in the wrong folder... I have installed a CNM CCTV system (500 GB hard drive, monitor & 4 cameras) up around my house. I have just worked out how to view this via a PC. I am having a nightmare trying to view it on my iphone.. The book says you can view it remotely via internet explorer... clearly the iphone doesnt have this. However, there are several apps that state using their app you can view your home cctv system... I have a few of these (most free)... And they dont work ! I would be eternally grateful for any help !! Kevin
  11. kevbabes

    CNM secure H 264 and i phone

    Hmmm I cant connect over 3G either... Any ideas ???
  12. kevbabes

    CNM secure H 264 and i phone

    Hope you havent deleted your account yet.. Just reviewing things this am... and it now works !!!! Thank you thank you !!