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Everything posted by ljarrald

  1. ljarrald

    To sign or not...

    yeah, when mine first went up they got the finger from some groups of 'youths' covering their face, one got attacked but now the scum that used to misbehave in it stay away. although, we still get idiots staring into the camera and then letting fireworks off
  2. ljarrald

    To sign or not...

    He's a part time burglar? nope
  3. ljarrald

    To sign or not...

    Oh sure, there's all kinds of steps they could take... the question is, at what point does it become "too much effort" and they just move on to an easier target? Your average B&E thief doesn't want a bunch of complication, they just want to smash, grab, and get out fast, especially if they don't know what they're going to get out of the job. We're not talking about going after state secrets or the Hope diamond or anything that is worth a whole movie sequence's worth of high-tech gadgetry and special effects. true, true. funny thing is that our house is one of about 10 houses on our road that has 300+ houses on that does not have an alarm system (yet). on a slightly unrelated note... next doors SAB has been strobing for over two years. the people who bought the house opened the door and tripped the alarm, they had not been given the code so after the timer shut the sirens up the strobe was left to flash advertising that the system is unset. my shed alarm has never ever falsely activated. but one night at about 11.45 it activated and woke everyone in the house up (nice to see it doing its job! ) i wanted to shut it up so i glanced out of the window and saw nothing (i could only see a small amount of the shed) the next day i went out to investigate why the 'false alarm' occurred and discovered this that is the side gate in my neighbours garden, you can see the thick wood we have put in as a backup for the flimsy gate, if it was not for that our bikes would of been gone. after reviewing the CCTV and listning to the microphone, they came from the side (where camera 13 now monitors) and spent 10 mins ripping the gate off. that entrance is now bricked up. point is... always double check before you cancel an alarm. sorry for that long anecdote. i just remembered it and thought i'd share
  4. ljarrald

    To sign or not...

    true. but if they wanna get in and know there is a system they will cover their face rendering the cameras useless. but i do see what you're saying. if i was a criminal a sign saying 'this building is alarmed with a direct link to the police' would deffo put me off!
  5. ljarrald

    To sign or not...

    i would think 'aww f*ck' and then leg it and try to think up an excuse and just accept the fact that i am going to be caught.
  6. ljarrald

    To sign or not...

    it means i would run away. well,i'd probably look for the dvr and destroy it if i could first.
  7. hi, i have a few questions about IP... baisically... at my mums house she wants some cctv. she wants the front door, ginnel, back door, back patio, back garden, shed(more of a garage really)(not built yet), front garden and avenue covered. i don't need (and can not afford) all the cameras to be ip, i just want a few of them to be ip for the sake of quality, so i guess in terms of recording, a hybrid NVR would be my best option... the cameras covering the house are fine, i know what i am doing with them and they will probably all be analog apart from maybe an ip one for the front and back garden so that i can have one wide shot instead of 4 cameras with close shots. but... the camera covering the avenue... i want it to be PTZ so i can have it on tours and play with it. i COULD have it on the house, but it would be much beter positioned on the street lamp. assuming i get permission from the council and stuff, what is the best way to get it linked with the rest of the system? should i use an ip camera or analog camera with an ip converter and then use wifi? or should i run a cable to the house? if it was an ip camera, could i control it from a keyboard like i can with analog PTZs? would the keyboard be an ip device and therefor be really expensive? i would like to have two... in the shed that is going to be built, it is (hopefully) going to be my home for a couple of years. i dont need any ip cameras on i, just analog. a 4-8ch system will do (i doubt i'll get to 8 cameras, but i'll probably use an 8ch DVR) i would like the shed and house system to be linked, if i had a hybrid NVR and a DVR made by the same manufacterer on the same network, could i use one piece of software to view all my cameras at the same time? or if i got a hybrid NVR with 8 spare channels, could i use the video streams from the shed DVR as ip cameras in the NVR? as you can see... i am new to IP. sorry for the bad formatting and spelling, i'm tired and spellcheck is broken. if you need a better explanation, more info, gmaps, diagrams etc, i don't mind giving them. thanks in advance! -luke
  8. ljarrald

    To sign or not...

    if i wanted to roba a house and saw a sign, i'd wear a mask, if i got in and saw a camera, i'd leg it
  9. ljarrald

    FPS and quality, how important?

    unless you need to identify people moving fast, the frame rate will be fine at 7FPS (or lower) at the moment i have 5 cameras on my system (10 more to go) and all of them record at 1FPS normally and then bump up to 4 when they detect motion. the reason for this is that i never want the cameras to not be recording. but i dont need them to be recording at a high speed when nothing is happening. i currently get a month of storage. you may not notice any quality difference but if your dvr has a digital zoom feature, use it. you will see a less clear image with the lower quality setting. so yeah, framerate is speed, quality is the image quality. to get the longest amount of record time, you would put the FPS to the minimum and you would put the quality to the minimum too
  10. ljarrald

    Hi from Manchester, England

    welcome! i also live in Manchester and i know this forum has a couple of other members who do too
  11. okay, if i went with a full IP system, how would it be recorded? i like the idea of a dedicated recorder so an NVR would be good. if i used a USB joystick, i am guessing it would need to be plugged into a computer? i was hoping to have the controller in the living room so it could be viewed on the living room TV and i could use a keyboard to control the dvr so that i can have the dvr in the loft and never need to touch it or something. what brands of IP camera/encoder would you recommend? i am looking for a balance between quality and price, although i would prefer to sacrifice some quality to save money. thanks!
  12. ljarrald

    FPS and quality, how important?

    FPS is the speed, stands for Frames Per second. check out this video for comparison 6qbisjJNt-E quality is just the compression, the lower the quality, the more 'pixalated' the image will be.
  13. what do you guys think of this? Voygv1uTF7c
  14. ljarrald

    Biometrics "It's The Way You Walk"

    hi ljarrald thats an old video and it never took off infact it was pointless for the security industry. the guys mistake was showing a bank clark being held up and saying he could identify the robber while he walked down the street. (as good as a finger print) 99.9% of robbers dont walk. same as in the white paper showed I.e learns how people walk but as soon as you put the guy into his working boots nice heavy steel cap. the walk is not the same as his nice comfortable trainners. oh yeah, good point that. it could be useful in busy shopping centers or something to track shoplifters who have merged into a crowd
  15. ljarrald

    Biometrics "It's The Way You Walk"

    yeah, i can see how it would be useful.
  16. if your DVR has a macro feature you can set it so the sensitivity is automatically reduced at night, this is what i've done.
  17. ljarrald

    is there low quality and high quality cables?

    Hi that is not rg59 expect to have poor image quality with that cable listed. that is what i used to think. until i got in the situation where i HAD to lay the wire for a camera before the bathroom floor went down or i would not have another chance. one of those cables was all i had laying around (bought for a NON CCTV project) so i used it... crystal clear image on it. i would not know it was used just by looking at the image.
  18. in the cellar. these pics are quite old but its the only ones i have... its STILL not bloody finished but when it is it will have all the PSUs, alarm boxes and other things on the back wall, the DVR will be in a lockbox i made that is bolted to the desk, the DVR will have a wooden wall around it that needs a key and screwdriver to get to (door on hinge, screwed shut) and then the monitor will be next to it with the keyboard that controls the DVR and ptzs infront of it AND THEN it will have a big door infront of that... oh, and then it will have a load of ****e infront of it as we use that part of the cellar for storage... once the system is finished, i wont need access to the dvr unless something goes wrong or i want to change the setup. so i dont mind it being a pain in the ass to get to. (oh, and the 'cupboard' its in will be linked to a 24HR zone on the alarm panel and i'll get a text if it's tripped... AND it has a fire detector in incase something goes wrong, and i MAY put an auto CO2 extinguisher in there so if anything other than the DVR does catch fire, it does not spread and destroy evidence on the DVR. a bit OTT, yes but... why not?
  19. ljarrald

    advances in CCTV housings...

    i saw this and thought it would be a nice enclosure for a CCTV camera http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_LSGnycsyeI4/R9h7i4jkaSI/AAAAAAAAARQ/tyFGdJo6mu0/s1600/ceiling_cat.jpg
  20. ljarrald

    How to catch a fast-moving criminals

    okay, well really all you need is the number plate, and footage of them smashing it. try one of those cameras that are designed to sit on the dashboard of your car and record an accident. the way they work is they ONLY record if they detect sudden vibration (a whack with a baseball bat for example) and they have about 5 seconds of buffer. this means that when you play it back, you will get 5 seconds of footage before it gets whacked. this should be enough time to get the number plate. only problem with this is that its an all in one unit, so if they find it and take it, no evidence if along with the mailbox its smashed to pieces, no evidence etc, etc. if you do go with this option, i would suggets a bit of creativity. wrap it with bubble wrap or something and mount it INSIDE your mailbox but drill i tiny hole for the lens to look out of, also try getting one that records to an SD card, then even if the camera is smashed, if the SD card survived, you have your evidence. good luck, if i am sounding unclear, PM me.
  21. ljarrald

    How to catch a fast-moving criminals

    i assume the layout is something like this: and you are thinking of this i would suggest putting the camera IN or ON the actual mailbox with some sort of motion sensor, if all you want cameras for is to catch these guys, i don't see the point in a DVR, but i don't know about the alternatives. if you used a DVR you could have it so that the dvr only records when the motion sensor senses motion. something like this...
  22. can you put a price on life? i'd say a life is worth more than that...
  23. from looking at the guys other vids, i remember that program. i started watching it after my dad fell asleep but my 'responsible' lodger came in and told me to turn it off, i can't remember how old i was. does anyone know what it was called? i want to finish watching it. and i like this auto system! very clever. ther say the camera cost 16,000 quid or something, but i think they probably mean the camera+housing+software+pc? qfKEBfPobmE
  24. got a vid? whats that snapshot from? a cctv camera you have installed in a town center?
  25. it seems like when the IR lights kick in they pull too much power and the camera is underpowered...