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Everything posted by ycwkpp898

  1. I have tried to hard reset the box. i hear a beep and then see the light flashing on my usb key but then all i see is a black screen on the tv which is connected to the video out on the dvr. I have used the v1012 firmware which i updated a while back but can not get it to boot. Any help is very grateful Ty
  2. ycwkpp898

    Email from KPD674

    ty for the reply
  3. ycwkpp898

    Email from KPD674

    I recieve the following email from my dvr but i have to download then download the video, but on the email is buttons as shown. does anyone know how to sort this so i can view them thro my emails, instead of downloading. I am using Hotmail and Internet explorer 9 ty for any help
  4. ycwkpp898

    Email & FTP Setup

    I have sorted the email part i would like help with the ftp side ty
  5. ycwkpp898

    Email & FTP Setup

    Hi, I have tried to setup my dvr kpd-674 to send emails. i just recieve errors. I have the following set as emails smtp.ntlworld.com port 465 mail from: cctv@dvr.co.uk ssl on verify password on username set as my full email address password as my password then email addresses added to send the emails too. Ftp settings i have my own NAS which is on server is set to port 21 directory on the NAS is cctv i set my username and password which is required to logon to the NAS from windows etc. Any help is grateful ty
  6. Hi, I have setup my dvr and i have tried to setup the email function with the following details. smtp server: smtp.ntlworld.com port: 465 mail from: cctv@cctv.co.uk ssl: yes verify password: yes username: *********@ntlworld.com password: ********* but i dont recieve any emails. even tho motion detection is triggered. in alert i have ext alert, buzzer enabled, video loss buzzer off. and motion buzzer, alarm buzzer, key imput buzzer on. notified by ftp and mail ticked duration 5 sec the above smtp settings work fine in thunderbird. i can send emails no problem. just from the dvr. any help is grateful ty