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Everything posted by ssmith10pn

  1. ssmith10pn

    PoE question

    I would lean towards 23ga Cat6 just because the conductors are slightly larger.
  2. Sounds like you need to get some field experience.
  3. It doesn't hurt to try. I have ran readers on cat5 before with no issue.
  4. ssmith10pn

    Hikvision!? WHO!?

    It appears that Interlogix Truvision is now OEMed by Hilvision.
  5. I use a Macbook Pro because of the high screen resolution. (2880 x 1800). With Dual boot of Windows 10 and OSX El Captain. No Ethernet port. I use a USB to Ethernet dongle. Works great. It even keeps the same settings when you unplug and plug it back in. http://www.macmall.com/p/Apple-Cables/product~dpno~13485227~pdp.jajhghg
  6. Set your computer to 169.254.x.x with a subnet mask and log into the camera and setup the ip parameters.
  7. We use these: http://www.disabilitysystems.com/images/tdm.pdf
  8. Forward port 80 and 443 through your router to the IP of your server.
  9. ssmith10pn

    Bandwidth of NVR

    Genetec is designed for a large Enterprise system. Systems with 1000+ cameras. Multiple servers with a dedicated directory server and media router. The directory server handles all licensing, and client connections. Your system has everything in one box. A system your size I would use Avigilon if it will support your cameras.
  10. ssmith10pn

    Bandwidth of NVR

    Since you only have one server in your system then all Omnicast services are on one box. The bandwith limit is normally 250 to 300mbps per server on a Omnicast system. I wouldn't go that high on your system since that box is also running the directory server. Keep in mind that Omnicast is a legacy system and may not support the cameras you add. After Omnicast 4.8 it channged to Security Center 5.0, then 5.1, 5.2...... and is now on 5.4.
  11. Sounds like double NAT. Is the ISP router giving out a public IP or Private?
  12. Documentation is key. Spread sheets or data bases with IP, camera model, make, patch panel port, switch and switch port.
  13. It's not always a simple answer. Does the camera ping? What manufacturer? For example many time Axis cameras will ping but will not open in a browser. (Http crashed) Then you can do this:
  14. Connect your 12v door station to the + and - of a RB5 relay Connect one leg of your 24v strike to your 24v power supply. Connect the other leg of your strike to the NO of the RB5 relay. Connect the second leg of your 24v power supply to the common on the Rb5 relay. http://www.amazon.com/Altronix-RB5-Relay-Module-Operation/dp/B001MRXYLC
  15. https://adiglobal.us/Pages/Results.aspx?m=b&c=0000&v=3320
  16. I would go on the 2nd floor above your 5mp location.
  17. https://www.google.com/search?q=phoenix+connector+3+pin&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 And BTW, We power cameras hundreds of feet away over 18/2 stranded with a 500ma fuse. 12v
  18. I have never been in them that deep to know.
  19. You beat me to it. Whenever they take a power surge POE is the first thing that goes.
  20. Avigilon Server software would be installed on your server.