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Everything posted by ssmith10pn

  1. http://www.mierproducts.com/outdoor_temperature-controlled_enclosures.html
  2. Let them refer you to a dealer in your area that will help you. I can't imagine a dealer haveing a problem with you doing most of the work. We all hate pulling cable.
  3. Install DU meter. That will tell the tale.
  4. ssmith10pn

    Dahua and latest ONVIF

    That's kind of like putting a Geo metro engine in your BMW 7 series isn't it?
  5. How much storage is on the camera? How many days of video are you able to store?
  6. Wow, I just looked at the Avigilon PTZ pricing. It's not any more than a mid priced analog!
  7. Getting drop box error when I click on link.
  8. I focus all my Jpeg2000 cameras in low light. Make sure the iris is wide open.
  9. Just for kicks and giggles I calculated it using analog cameras, Avigilon Encoders, and Avigilon Servers. I took 4 servers and 418 TB of storage. 25 FPS and 24/7 on 100% of the cameras makes no sense what so ever. Why record when there is nothing there to record? They make this cool thing called Motion Detection.
  10. ssmith10pn

    Migrating off of Diamond II

    Also, Are your wires home run or are there reader boards at the doors?
  11. ssmith10pn

    Migrating off of Diamond II

    What readers are in place and what part of the country are you in? What cards are you using?
  12. ssmith10pn

    20 IP Cam New Install - NVR Software Recommendation

    You need to contact an Avigilon dealer. You won't find any online pricing.
  13. ssmith10pn

    20 IP Cam New Install - NVR Software Recommendation

    I would expect to pay 100.00 minimum per camera for decent software. If you did a all Avigilon solution it might come out cheaper because Avigilon cameras are less expensive compared to all the big hitters in the IP camera market. Or do a mix of analog and IP cameras with Avigilon 4 channel encoders which only require 1 license.
  14. ssmith10pn


    If you want an IR corrected lens I would assume your putting it outside? If that's the case why manual Iris? If it's going inside where the light stays constant I would go with a non IR corrected Manual Iris. Much better picture. And yes Fujinon.
  15. Is it just me or is the PTZ clip gone?
  16. I have deactivated before to move licenses to another machine and not had any trouble with Avigilon tech support. As long as your up front and honest with them they are fine.
  17. The second subway video was a very wide angle and still was good video. If that had been a tighter shot it would have really been great.
  18. ssmith10pn

    Cat5 question

    I try to stay away from 5-50 lenses. I have a difficult time getting good picture quality out of them. I either use a 3.8 to 12 or a 20-50 to cover most applications.
  19. ssmith10pn

    Cat5 question

  20. Move your existing PC motherboard and all of it's components into a case that can house more hard drives. Then install a internal RAID card and more drives inside the housing. SATA cables are too fragile to be running outside the case into another box. This one has 6 internal drive bays plus three 5 1/4 externals. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811129178 Or you can go for the gusto and get this Norco 4u Rack mount case that holds 24 hot swappable drives. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811219038 If it was me and you wanted to stick with external I would go with external SAS RAID card and an External SAS enclosure. http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Order=BESTMATCH&N=-1&isNodeId=1&Description=external+SAS&x=18&y=14
  21. I think you guys missed the point. If I click on the arrows, save the picture, stand on my head and whistle dixie the image is still no where near 5mp. Here's 2 pictures. Not the greatest but 2592 x 1944 http://www.bumracing.com/Gallery3/var/albums/album01/5mp_Morrow.jpg?m=1332645463 http://www.bumracing.com/Gallery3/var/albums/album01/5mp-test.jpg?m=1340969922
  22. CCTV forum limitations on file sizes Don't image tag it. Post a direct link so it can be downloaded.
  23. That's only 1024 x 768
  24. I pay like 9.95 a year for my Dyndns account so I don't have any limitations. BTW, With a lot of routers you can't use port 8080 because it's the web interface for the router itself. Or just make sure you disable Remote administration on the router.