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Everything posted by gtxkid

  1. gtxkid

    What to use for camera on a long run.

    I found out there is power at the camera.
  2. How far away from camera should a guy work with. Just looking for a good working range for this. I am looking for a general answer. Using for all sorts of applications indoor and out.
  3. Sorry i meant distance (feet) away from camera. Just looking for a general idea.
  4. I would like something basic. Even if you know of something free to try. Free is good but would buy if i have to. I keep getting camera jobs tat i would like to be more detailed on.
  5. gtxkid

    Parking Lot

    From everything i have read=seen=heard. Use 1 MP camera to replace 32 regular cameras in a Parking lot situation. Seams to be a win win situation all the way arround.
  6. gtxkid

    Where to get CCTV Design software

    WOW I can't thank you enough. Software link is exactly what i was looking for. I am kinda out of work now and this will help. Thankyou
  7. gtxkid

    Where to get CCTV Design software

    Camera's are just time consuming. I like what i have learned over the years. But getting paid is the secret.
  8. gtxkid

    Test monitors?

    I still think my 5.6 is kinda small. You know the picture is like maybe 3 inche's when it come's up on my MacBook Pro laptop but it is day and night from my setup monitor's. CRYSTAL CLEAR You will be amazed with the Focus after you get done. And the trick i learned is to ZOOM it all the way out on the screen focus it and then soom back in, BOOM there it is.
  9. gtxkid

    Where to get CCTV Design software

    Funny you mentioned this. Just yesterday me and a friend took my MacBook Pro w-capture device and the actual Camera and a ladder. Shot 6 area's. THankyou
  10. gtxkid

    Test monitors?

    All i know is i have tried several over the years and found that my MacBook Pro with a $35.00 video capture does an amazing job. I have just bought the New Everfocus 5.6 and it seam to work OK. It is in the screen WUXGA is where it's at 1920 X 1200 When it come's up on my screen it is not full screen and so i discovered by Picking something small in the picture to focus on and then ZOOM all the way in on it till it is a blurr. That is the trick!!!!! I play with the focus there and then ZOOM all the way back out and BOOM there it is. A guy that has been in the buisness for 25 years is amazed how much better i can do. I am curently talking with a Laptop Screen sale's place on making a portable unit up for out in the field, i hate taking my 3,000.00 Apple up on a ladder and such. Greg P.S. Couple of the store's i go into say i am the only guy using a computer and taking things way farther than anyone else they know, I just like doing an excellent job. The one you are looking at seams small, but find out what the screen is. I like the 5.6 a lot better also little over 200 from SES. Also it would be better to get one with the bigger 12V Camcorder battery so you can use it to power the camera's up in som situations, + battery's last all day and there rechargable so yo do not have to keep buying battery's.