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Everything posted by mobbarley

  1. AXIS have a pretty good write up on resolution - it's not a legal standard but an adaption of older analog standards. http://www.axis.com/files/feature_articles/ar_perfect_pixel_count_47927_en_1212_lo.pdf 'Pixel density' is a good measure of usable resolution but you still have to consider the usability of the image, eg: are details clear & sharp etc. To measure: put a ruler in the picture at the desired distance, take a snapshot, count the pixels and multiply to find pixels per foot / meter..
  2. When cameras drop off I find it's always a good idea to pull a couple and test them at the switch with fresh patch leads - you could be dealing with poor cabling. Firmware is also a consideration.
  3. 1/60th sec is probably a little unfair on the axis as thats rather fast. The P1354 is now also out. EDIT: Wow, just realised how old this is.. sorry.
  4. Do you have the ability to test an Axis P3354/64 in that scene? It's a dome, not WDR but just as light sensitive as the Q1604 and produces a very sharp image.
  5. Thats disappointing but I am sure Axis will come around soon enough. The low light on the P3354/64 is amazing.
  6. mobbarley

    IP Camera that will use NAS storage ?

    Anything Axis that supports firmware vs 5.40 or better can record directly via SMB. Axis Camera Companion is also a free VMS to play it back for up to 16 cameras. Most Vivoteks can also record via SMB, no idea about their VMS software though. Im sure most current model IP cams can do this.
  7. mobbarley

    3G Camera Shows During the Day and Blank at Night

    Does it have a movable IR cut filter that is getting jammed half way and is blocking the sensor?
  8. mobbarley

    motion blur???

    I agree - compression artefacts. Encode at a higher quality setting and/or stream at a higher bandwidth.
  9. mobbarley

    More light?

    Absolutely, but the difference between 1.4/1.2 is not going to be dramatic. If there is no light in the garage then no camera / lens will be able to see without some kind of illumination.
  10. mobbarley

    IR LED's vs. eye damage?

    Is the IR at least bouncing off the roof or wall? That would make a massive reduction to the amount of energy that could enter the babies eye vs. say, IR LEDs point at its crib.