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Everything posted by hexalor

  1. Hi, sorry for the noob question, but I have just purchased a wireless cctv camera and receiver on ebay and need to find out how I can record off of it for a reasonable price. It is basic system I purchased off of ebay, for outdoor use. I don't have a spare PC or monitor to show the images on but only need it to record constantly, reason being it will be used to monitor my car which has been vandalised on several occasions I want to find out who is doing this. So I can go back and see the date/time the damage occurred. Can I use a DVR card without having it connected to dedicated PC which would have to stay on? The camera I purchased was :- http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180616641715&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT Would really appreciate some help here Thanks Martin
  2. Hi, I'm based in the UK and cannot find it for sale over here, google search did not list any for sale. A dvr system like that would it just connect up to the receiver and record and are most dvr recorders compatible with all cctv cameras? Thanks for your help Martin