Thanks for all the feedback and responses thusfar, what i have managed to establish is yes, this device can be reset but it has to go back to the agents which then has to connect it to HIKVISION and they have a window of 24 hours in which they generate a unlock/release code which is then mailed to the agent. A lot of trouble for something simple like this but at least the security concept behind it is good. My only concern about this method though is then i leave our valuable and sensitive information open for misuse while in these agents hands. Our company is a software developer with branches worldwide and the video footage stored could be used to someone else's benefit, and the agent has said all hard drives have to remain in the device. So depending on what my bosses in America say, i would rather flip this into the incenerator and be done with this than face any possible future repercussions. If by removing the hard drive it resets the p/word then wonderfull, i will give it a whirl and report back.