I have a SENTIENT N09JJ DVR which I bought from Maplin - does anyone know how I can find out the direct video path for this unit? - I am trying to connect remotely to it using Blue Iris software on my laptop, but I am unable to to determine the required configuration? - (incidentally I have managed to successfully configure MeyePro on my iPhone though - using just IP/DDNS, port number, and user-name/password? - so it is technically possible with the unit) but Blue Iris also requires its HTTP Port, and/or RTSP Port, together with video path & params? - there is quite a large list of predefined IP Cams/DVRs available in the tool, for which the path & params are automatically populated, but unfortunately the SENTIENT N09JJ DVR is not in the List?
Any help would be greatly appreciated?
Thanks in advance