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  1. Can anyone help me with the password for telnet? .. of course not be "123456 " I've tried all the default but nothing! The DVR is: New ALBION A2006 NO HD DVR, 4ch H264 VGA, Realtime, FULL D1! This is the link below: http://www.shopto.it/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=7&products_id=31286 GRAZIE PER L'AIUTO GIOVANNI
  2. giovpiazza

    CnM Secure 4 Channel H.264 DVR

    Hi, sorry for my bad English. I need help on the DVR busybox: HiLinux. jffs2 2.6 red hat 2003 Linux (none) 2.6.14-hi3511v100dmeb-less-release # 1 Tue Jun 916:35:05 CDT 2009 armv5tejl unknown Filesystem 1k-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/root 6144 5772 372 94% / tmpfs 2048 0 2048 0% /mnt/tmpfs /dev/mtdblock/3 8520 8520 0 100% /mnt/app ref. http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=20845&start=45 post. I think I did a stupid things: I wrote the telnet command: fdisk / dev / root. Rebooting / BOOT stops on the word: "SYSTEM INITIALIZING ......." . how I can recover? Help me please!