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Everything posted by ptsmith

  1. Hi, I know very little about the workings of a network and I'm having trouble understanding a few things. I have a few questions: Network NVRs seem to be considerably more expensive than Network Storage units. They seem to be similar devices but there must be a reason for the price difference. What am I missing? Also, why do network NVRs have a specific channel number? It seems like you should be able to have as many cameras as the bandwidth permits. Thanks
  2. Oops! Wrong one. This has the same bandwidth, but is rated for only 2 cameras: http://www.qnap.com/pro_detail_feature.asp?p_id=161 That's a good suggestion Matt. I'll call Qnap on Monday.
  3. Thanks for the info Matt. This Qnap network storage unit has over 100mbps bandwidth, yet the data sheet specs it for only 2 IP cameras: http://www.qnap.com/pro_detail_feature.asp?p_id=162 I don't get it.
  4. ptsmith

    Lens choices

    I just read this. Arecont rates this lens to be good up to 5MP: http://www.arecontvision.com/uploads/product_images/0MPL_Vari_Focal_Lensespdf.pdf
  5. ptsmith

    Lens choices

    I bought 2 of the Rainbow 4.5-10 lenses you mentioned for use with 2MP Arecont cameras. I later ended up with an Arecont 3MP dome camera. To my surprise, it came with a lens identical to my Rainbow lens. As best I can tell by looking at photos, the Arecont 5MP dome cameras also come with this lens. Arecont also sells this lens: http://www.arecontvision.com/index.php?section=product&subsection=product_details&product_id=49 So either Rainbow is under-rating this lens, or Arecont is including an insufficient lens with it's 3MP and 5MP dome cameras.