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Everything posted by Chris_!

  1. Recently, my ACM-1432N camera wasn't working properly so I contacted ACTi whom attempted to upgrade the firmware on the camera. Well, now it's bricked and they've given me an RMA on it. That's great, but it's not under warranty so it's going to cost $85 not including shipping to repair it. So let's assume $20 shipping $105 to repair a camera that's 5 years old and still only supports 811 x 508 resolution. I'm not sure this camera is worth sending back under an RMA. I've looked on eBay to see if any are available, and found an ACM-1431N (looks like the only difference is that one supports POE) for $275 + $17.50 shipping - which IMO is way overpriced. There's a ACM-1511 listed for $200 that would take me up to a megapixel cam, and I can swap the innards into the 1432 housing so it could be used outdoors. Not sure either of those options are worth the trouble. http://www.acti.com/product/detail/Bullet_Camera/ACM-1432 I guess the question is, if it was your camera would you bother fixing it, or just replace it for a used sub-$100 cam? This is for home use, so there's a budget to be concerned with. Before it's demise, it covered my driveway
  2. Chris_!

    4XEM e200dnpv speed dome info needed

    Pressed the reset button, no go. Held the reset button down for over 60 seconds, no go.
  3. I'm looking for any and all information on a 4XEM e200dnpv speed dome camera. I purchased this camera off eBay, and while it does power on I'm unable to get my 4XEM/Vivotek installation wizard to see it on my network. 4XEM has some information on their website, but no user manuals or instructions.
  4. I have a 4XEM/Vivotek IPCAMWPTZ (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826113002) that I'd like to place in an outdoor dome. Thing is, this is a home project and I'm looking for something on the cheap, like used dirt cheap kinda cheap. I was looking at this decent used enclosure on eBay but got outbid by $.50 at the very last second (I hate auction snipers with a passion). Anyway, I can't seen to find anything used, and everything I find is several hundred dollars. Totally not worth it IMO for something I'm just playing with. Anyway, 4XEM/Vivotek makes a housing for this camera (IPCAMENCLODHF) which is $263 at Sears (http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_SPM622224301P?sid=IDx20101019x00001a&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=SPM622224301). That's about $200 more than I'd like to spend I was looking at this cheap-o dome on eBay for dummy cameras that's $49.95 (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270700378939), I contacted the seller who stated most people buy the domes to put PTZ cameras in. My only concerns are the weather resistance & the addition of a heater/cooler in this cheap dome. I've found heater/cooler kits on eBay for ~$30, but the fan would only circulate the air inside, not really vent it. I'm looking for suggestions, or if someone has a used dome that they'd sell for cheap that would be awesome. I live in New England so we can see temperatures as low as -45* in the middle of January, to as high as 110* in the middle of August.
  5. Chris_!

    WTB: Outdoor dome housing

    Looking for a cheap outdoor housing, used will be fine. Something to stick this guy in: http://www.4xem.com/products/ptz-cameras/PZ7111/ I'm looking for a CHEAP housing, please see this thread for more info: http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=24506
  6. So no real replies other than a smartass "you should have bid higher"? Nobody has a cheap dome housing they could recommend or a used one they're looking to sell?
  7. Fixed my spelling mistake. And yeah, I know I should have entered in a higher maximum bid.
  8. Chris_!

    Hello from New England

    Hey all, I've lurked on this forum here and there, and have finally decided to post. I'm at IT Specialist for a large company, and I'm 2nd in charge of our DVR surveillance system. We have a pretty nice setup at work, but there's MUCH room for improvement. We're actually looking to expand our surveillance with some additional cameras to cover the perimeter of the building (we currently have some huge blind spots) along with installing a pair of cams on the entrance/exit ways. I also have a SUPER cheap and SUPER crappy wireless "DVR" system at home to play with. It's a system made by Motorola called Homesight. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone for actual surveillance, but for checking on my house when I'm not there it's not too bad. The cameras are low-res and the actual event recording is a joke, but again; I'd never rely on them for anything important. I have a PTZ IP Cam that I've been playing with, along with another Wireless-N IP cam that I've been tinkering around with for home. Anyway, just wanted to start and intro thread and say "WHAT'S UP??"