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  1. Thanks very much I'll give it a try and get back to you with results.
  2. You have been and you are. I am it. Ain't nobody else! I know that sounds ridiculous but it's true. Of course I have a degree in engineering (1970) and have been working with computers my entire career so I can understand some things. Let’s talk.
  3. I appreciate your patience and desire to help. Thank you. I have obviousely not explained the problem well. So I will try again. We have a machine which we want to control using an android tablet device. We have developed software which runs on the android tablet. We now want the android table to communicate with the machine using WIFI, bluetooth, or some othe wireless technology. We need to send signals to the machine to turn on and off different funtions on the machine. We need to get data back from the machine to determine how the machine is performing. We also want to see pictures of the performance of the machine in real time. There could be an android device connected by wire to the machine with USB or serial connection which would also takes pictures. This android device would be incorporated into the machine and not be visible or accesible by a user. This android device would then communicate to a second android control tablet on which we would see the streaming video sent by the first android device. This is only a concept senario not a design requirement. The device incorporated in the machine can be anything that accomplishes the funtion of communicating with our android tablet and streams video to it.
  4. We have seen software that can make an android phone capture pictures and the send them to another android devise for viewing. But we cannot find softeware that will transmit streaming video in real time from one android device to another. Using a web brouser and WIFI with a wireless router might work but seems overly complicated compared to a bluetooth connection. Besides this new software must integrate (be called as a subroutine) with our application software. We just want to take pictures and display them on a cpaitive touch screen in real time.
  5. The android tablet we are currently using is a Velocity Micro CRUZ reader. It runs android v2.0. This machine has been the test bed for our application software but is not the tablet we intend to use in the future. This tablet has WIFI but not bluetooth. We do not have a CCTV camera as yet. We are open to any tablet and CCTV camera combination which will get the job done. Thank for your quick reply.
  6. Hello, I am new to this forum so I hope I don't ask questions that have been answered in the past. We need to have a CCTV camera send its signal wirelessly to an android tablet for display. The distance between the camera and the tablet will be 5 feet or less. We need the android application software, which we have created, to interface with the CCTV viewing software so that we can touch a button on the android and have the CCTV images appear on the android screen. It would be ideal if there was a fast bluetooth like v3 available for this so that the camera and the android tablet were paired. We have also heared that the WIFI specification will have a pairing feature in the near future so that bluetooth will become obsolete. Does anyone know of a system that can do this now? Or anybody working this problem? Thanks for you consideration.