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Everything posted by caretaker

  1. Hi Folks We currently have a 25 camera set-up on 2, 16 channel units. one is a Dedicatedmicros Sprite 2 (seven years old or more ) the other a Dyn-Pro (six months old). http://www.dynamic-cctv.com/TECH/DYN-PRO.html What I would like to know is, should I be expecting to see footage that is recorded as clear as when I look at the cameras live? The reason I ask, is that some of our cameras give excellent live picture quality & some are not as good, but none of them give great playback quality (all cameras are at 25fps) Our recorders are all set to record on all cameras 24/7 and before I dive into the settings menu to make changes, could anyone advise me? For example. a person walks through a room that has a wide angle camera & you can easily facial detail to recognise the individual. On playback the pic is to pix-elated to recognise the person. Am I expecting to much from the system? Thanks in advance
  2. caretaker

    Sprite 2/ Dynamic 16 Pro image quality

    Thanks SDM Group The manual states "When multiple cameras are recorded the maximum record rate is 18PPS." Are they exaggerating? This is just the research stage as I've not had a play with the menu/settings of system yet, but we've had so many incidents that require facial recognition it's forced us to have a good hard look at the quality the CCTV system delivers, As I'm the IT Technician, I seemed to get the job This is the plan (hope I'm right in my thoughts) I hope the recording quality is set at a low Kb level, then I can increase it and (as you say) set-up motion detection on cameras and reduce fps where I can to help with storage capacity.. Does motion detection make searching for the correct incident harder? Sometimes I have to rewind through an hour or so footage to find the correct moment, so is this the same for recordings using motion detection?