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Everything posted by nDAlk90

  1. nDAlk90

    Gadspot cameras any good?

    I agree, price is not always a good teller of quality. The best way to find out about a camera is to test side by side.
  2. nDAlk90

    What are some really nice front-door cameras?

    I think this camera would probably be ideal for you. The specs look great and it can be direct mounted in the side wall of the porch without a back box. I think its better to mount a peephole type camera in the side of the house rather then in the door. This way when they are turning their head to find and push the doorbell you not only get a good front shot but a side shot of the face also. http://www.seco-larm.com/EV-5105-N1SQ.htm
  3. Thanks for all the reply so far. I will probably put this camera by my front door for face shots at about 5.5 feet high as recommended. http://www.seco-larm.com/EV-5105-N1SQ.htm I'm thinking to put a second camera for general observation by the front door (like my neighbor has in the picture). They only paid $45.00 for it and it is 520tvl Sony and it has better images when connected into a VCR which tells me her DVR is no good. What are you recommending for a DVR? Any suggestions? I want high quality images. Also I want to add a third camera for my driveway. Thinking of going with vcm-24vf. Do you know of any other cameras that are better for the price? Thanks for everyone's help.
  4. Why? What exactly are you trying to accomplish with this cam? What is the crime risk that you are anticipating? The typical front door camera would capture very little crime footage, so even the sharpest picture isn't going to necessarily provide the evidence footage you think it will in a majority of cases. The front door camera I want to provide facial identification. I fewl my neighbors camera or DVR is not sufficient in quality. This is why I want your expert opinions. 1. How high would you mount the camera? 2. Is TVL beyond 480 really not worth it as mentioned by one of the posters? Thanks.
  5. Thanks for the advice so far. How about his camera? [edit by mod-store link removed] or [edit by mod-store link removed] The camera on the house I showed you is said to be a 3.6mm lens. So if I mount it the camera a little lower I should be able to get a tighter shot. 1. Should I get the IR or Non-Ir Version? Is there an advantage to one over the other? 2. Are there better cameras available for a better price then what I found? 3. What kind of DVR do I need for 8 cameras? Thanks so much and I look forward to hearing from others also.
  6. I attached the photo directly in case the link doesn't work. I will really appreciate your advice, Thanks.