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Everything posted by kg6mti

  1. Hello All: I am reletively new to the whole CCTV security system stuff. I have started to install a new system at a vacation home I have. I have a camera in the backyard that needs some IR help. The situation is the following. The IR built into the camera is not strong enough to light up the area good enough at night. Is there a seperate IR that I can add to the area to help light it up at night? If so, what do you guys recommend and where can they be purchased? Thanks for any help you guys can provide.
  2. The entire area is abouit 40ft x 30ft. The area I am watching is a backyard of a home. The main focus is a building about 30ft from the camera.
  3. Thanks for the replies. The area I need to illuminate is about 40ft x 30 ft. I don't want to install any regular lighting because there are neighbors near by and I don't wish to upset my neighbors with security lighting. I realize I can do a Google search for IR illuminators but I am hoping someone can point me to a source that is reliable and an IR that they have experience using that worked well for them.