I have two connectors on the bottom of the camera.
the left one goes to a female barrel connector for power and a bnc female connector. The right one I do not have the original this was bought from ebay. I have an idea but am not sure. I want to control this from my computer with a rs232 to rs-485 adapter that has a D+/A, D-/B, GND, and +9v connector. What is the pinout on the camera?
I am thinking red is 12v+(or is this 9v+?) black is ground, then the yellow, orange, green, brown is the serial control? but what colors is what, and is is alright to split the other 12v for this side or is it separate because it is a different voltage?
Here is a pic of the controller everything goes to. Almost everything on this camera has a QS-something part number but doing research yields nothing.