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  1. We are in the beginning stage of rolling out a camera installation and we are having a problem with 2 Axis M1113's. The network consists of two 24 port LG switches, one 1GB switch and one 100MB (with an additional two more coming) with the 1GB switch serving as the the network backbone to which the 100MB switches connect. The cameras run fine by themselves but once we connect the server and begin recording, they crash within 2 hours. The server is custom Windows 7 Pro x64 build and is running the latest version of Video Insight, the software we are tentatively planning to use though have not made a purchase yet... After the cameras crash we can still ping them but they aren't accessible from the web interface. Could it be that the server is somehow effecting the cameras? Or does this sound like some sort of networking problem? We are also running a different model Axis camera on the same network and it hasn't really had any problems so far.
  2. Thanks for the offer ak357, once we have a server running we will probably line up an Avigilon demo with someone. Mainly because we are going to have the complete network set up immediately. Also, we would rather not have to run more than a few 200ft+ runs (it's hard enough to get up into the ceiling). This thread is actually our network layout for now - http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=24961
  3. It is a small grocery store (11 isles) and we are putting in our own network just for the cameras, in the end we will probably have a little more than 30 cameras going. All the switches (4 total) will have 1 Gigabit interconnect so we aren't really worried about bandwidth. In the end we will have something on the order of 5-6 HD cameras running, mostly for capturing faces of people as they walk in the door. Also, is it pretty simple to get a demo of Avigilon? The owner really wants to try a few software brands to see what he is comfortable with and Avigilon does look tempting.
  4. Thankfully we have a fair amount of networking experience... Any chance on letting me know what Avigilon is getting per channel as well? Thanks!
  5. I didn't mention this before, but this project is going to slowly replace an analog system that we installed maybe 7-8 years ago, we just need a second opinion on IP camera software. Can any of you recommend Milestone software or is there a better package out there?
  6. Hi everyone! I've been enjoying the forum lately and I had some questions with regards to a medium sized IP camera system that a friend and I are tasked with installing. My first question is about cameras. Since this is a retail location we don't need HD resolution (except one or two HD cameras for the entrances). Does anyone have any recommendations for this type of situation? So far we've noticed some AXIS cameras such as the M1103, this would be about the level that we are looking at for the bulk of the cameras. I can't find much online as to reviews and such. We haven't settled on this brand, just noticed their stuff. Also camera monitoring and recording software. We are building a server to capture the video feed and might possibly have another computer set up as a viewer. What is out there that would accommodate possibly multiple brands of cameras (this system will be built slowly and won't be complete for probably another 2 years!). Again, we noticed the Milestone software because they seem to support a glut of brands out there. Website: http://www.milestonesys.com/products/ip_video_software/xprotect_professional Does anyone have any recommendations for software that would give us what Milestone would? Does anyone have experience with the Milestone software? We do plan on trying some demo versions if we can. This is a really unfamiliar area to us so I really appreciate any knowledge shared! Cheers