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  1. bmacdona

    IR washout on CCTV Cameras

    I bought the cameras through dvrusa.com. They are listed as dt-5600F on their website. They have: AGC, Auto-Iris, AWB, BLC as well as auto filter change. They work great in most applications day and night... but when they are pointing towards anything with lots of leaves or foliage... the IR light reflects back and blinds the camera. The camera that I have pointed into the back yard allows me to see very clearly in total darkness (at least 100'). But the cameras in the side yards are closer to trees and they get the IR reflection.
  2. bmacdona

    IR washout on CCTV Cameras

    I have an 8 camera GenIV system. I'm using DT-5690 IR Bullet cameras for the driveway & side yard cams.. They work VERY well during the day and twighlight. But at night they get washed out due to too much IR light (especially if the camera is pointed towards plant leaves or tall grasses). I have played with all of the controls on the DVR (GUI). But have not modified any of the settings that can be set in the camera (it has several settings that are set by buttons in the camera housing... AWB, BLC, AGC etc...). Has anyone else had this problem.. and what did you do to correct it? Example - at night I can easily recognize someone 35' away.. but if they are standing 5' away from the camera, they look like a glowing blob. Thanks