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  1. For the record 12VDC and 800 mA is not enough juice.
  2. I just received an Extreme EX82. I am going to order the proper 24V power source, but in the meantime I would like to test the unit out. Anyone power this model with a 12V supply? How low can I go in amps if I only want to test the daylight camera? Any tips for setting up the cameras (ie internal settings) and for resealing the case? Thanks, CJ
  3. Thanks for the PM Sajaan. I looked at the web site but did not see the camera. Will call tomorrow. I am trying to decide between a PTZ dome or a box cam with weather enclosure plus PTZ. The latter seems more expensive. Does the dome cam that you are using have power over ethernet? CJ
  4. I am just trying to monitor a beach. Do not need to identify people or vehicles in detail. I am using an inexpensive 6x-12x binocular that has a good field of vision and clarity. I probably need 1/4mi field at 1mi. I am in the $1,000 +- range (obviously the lower the price the more other equipment I can buy). I've been admiring the Extreme Moonbeam but I'm sure it is a fortune and it does not seem to do IP. Anyone have an approximate price for the Moonbeam? Just curious. CJ
  5. I am looking for recommendations for an outdoor cam. The primary requirements are: Weather protection, PTZ, 6X zoom, low light capable, IP and analog. This is going to be mounted on a house and primarily used to monitor a barrier beach 1 mi away. The binoculars that I use are 6x-12x and 6x seems to be the minimum enlargement that I need. The other requirement is that the unit is more or less surface mounted (ie not gooseneck pendants). I've seen pictures of the Toshiba wedge type camera that might work. Smaller is better as I do not want it to be too noticable. Other secondary options are the ability to send email on motion trigger, timed snapshorts, Day/night capability with auto switching to black and white mode in low light, maybe programmable patroling. Willing to invest some money for the proper unit. Any suggestions? Thanks, CJ
  6. I have a linksys web cam. It was triggered 25 times today with 5 sec clips. I’d like more record time so lets assume 1 minute per event. Lets assume your rough numbers of 4 cams using 500 gigs in 48 hours. I estimate that one camera will use 1 gig to record 25 minutes; 4 camera, 4 gigs/day. To record 30 days I would need 120 gigs. Is that about right? Do dvrs record continuously and only marking the time of events or do they start recording when triggered and stop after a preset time? Or do they have the capability to record at a super low speed, like 1 fps, until motion is sensed and then record at a higher speed such as 30 fps?
  7. Thanks for all the input. I can see this is going to take a little more time and research (and money). I have seen a Sanyo 3709H 80gig and GE SDVR-4-80 for $1500ea and a GE DVMRe-4CT-80 for $2000. Any particular model units I should look at (4-8ch, 80-200meg, 2 hd bays, network, USB or CF, motion detection, maybe email on alarm). Rory, I like the GeoVision idea and have two surplus computers that might work. Need to look at the minimum specs required. Is software included with the GeoVision? If not, what would you recommend? Also can I have external triggers with the PC card? Regarding cameras, I want good outdoor cameras but going over $500/cam is not going to happen. ptz would be fun to use but really doesn't make sense because 1) the system will be unattended most of the time and 2) cost considerations. I've been looking at outdoor IR bullet cams. They claim 80'-130' in zero light conditions using 30-70 LEDs. Pricing is between $200-500/cam. What can I expect with a 45deg FOV at 30' and 30deg at 60'+? Any suggestions for specific units or specs? Regarding FPS and disk size, I'm just guessing because I do not know all the variables. If a dvr is recording 100% and I want decent FPS with a 4ch dvr for 1 week how many gig is enough? Do some units only record or increase FPS on trigger events that would enable using a smaller disk? Sorry for all the questions, just want to make a good decision. Thanks.
  8. Regarding the 1-2mo when the units would be unattended, I want a system that does not require constant maintenance not 1-2mo recording time. I envision the dvr will over write on a first-in first-out basis. Recordings will only occur when triggered by motion detected by the camera or some external sensor like an IR driveway monitor etc. If a break in should occur the buildings' alarm system will be triggered, we would stop the dvr and backup the previuos two or three weeks of video as possible evidence. In a residential setting I actually think a video system is more helpful in terms of 1) seeing (ie remotely) when contractors, gardeners and other workers are on the property doing their jobs, 2) scaring off professional thieves who will look for an easier target, and 3) perhaps catching the dumb family member who thinks he can steal something and get away with it. The cameras should be able to clearly identify faces at a distance of 10-40 ft, make and color of vehicles 40-125 ft (at night I would expect less). The first few cameras are really to test the concept of using video monitoring. The next step would be to add cameras at the entry points and outside walks. Then perhaps in one or two rooms. I'd like to get 2 cams and a dvr for around $1500 and then add what I need from there. Are there any GE DVR models or specific cameras that you recommend?
  9. I am considering having ADT install a DVR and 2 camera system. I've been reading the threads on this site and wonder how the ADT DVRs ( http://www.matrixnetworkinc.com/ViewPro/Products/dvrs.html ) stack up against the GE, Sanyo, Nuvico units. I am looking at their A-SDR400LTE and A-SDR410E. I am interest in external sensor triggering and internal motion sensing. I want remote internet access and the ability to add an additional DVR yet have the pictures intergrated into one interface. Some kind of backup like USB or CD-RW would be nice, as would paging or email notification of a trigger. Most important is that the DVR and cams run uattended for 1-2 months at a time. Being able to view a clip on my Verizon Treo would be great, but that seems higly unlikely. The application is a residence in Massachusetts with intially one external day/night camera pointed across a 30'x30' parking area and a 100-150' driveway beyond. The other camera aimed at the house from a distance of 100'. Agian external with day/night capability. ADT suggests teh SDN600 http://www.matrixnetworkinc.com/ViewPro/Products/i1504/i1504.html. Any comments on the cameras would be appreciated. I have been experimenting with Linksys IP cameras that have no ir ability and their motion sensing is triggered by pixels at night and very slight movement of trees etc during the day. Resolution shooting thru a window is poor. TIA