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  1. Thirty12

    External CCTV power?

    Hi there, Yes they state 12v 500ma I should have mentioned that I am running each camera with around 20m of extention. They sent me a new power supply for the first one that broke and it is a 12v 1amp but it causes black rolling lines on the screen. I assume it is that causing the problem as it didn't happen before. Thanks again Matt
  2. Thirty12

    External CCTV power?

    Hi, thank you for your reply. It's a generic (cheap ish) camera from eBay. Here's the link: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220740645560&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT Thank you for your help, it's much appreciated. Matt
  3. Hi guys and gals Firstly, what a great forum. Nice one. I'm a complete novice when it comes to CCTV so please bare with me. I have installed an externall CCTV camera to the outside of my house. It is nothing special, just a generic (probably Chinese) IP65 camera from eBay. It came with a 20m power supply and BNC extention, which again is just cheap with fitted plugs. I have it all installed with the power and BNC connectors inside a weatherproof junction box next to the camera but my problem is the power adapter keeps blowing and I have to replace it. It blew a week ago and they sent me an exact replica replacement adapter and now that has blown again. Am I doing something wrong? On the BNC and camera leads there is a rubber block where the cables split from single to twin. This isn't isnide the junction box as it looks water tight. Should it be? Or is it more likely that they are sending duff adapters? Thank you all for any advice you can give. Thank you Matt