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Everything posted by kmineso

  1. I have got a security DVR at my store like attachment, but there is no model name shown anywhere. It is 4 channel standalone DVR. The printed circuit board says DVR4A - Ver 1.7. Also IDE HARD DRIVE is WD1200(Jan 12, 2004). There is one Ethernet port at rear face of the DVR body. I need manufacturer dvr software because I have to watch Internet viewing at home. "VER 3.91" is instantly seen on the top of TV screen after power-on of DVR. "CHAMERA LOSS CHECK---O.K." is shown at the bottom of screen. I found PRODUCT ID of "02S-001476-151105-KR-000-009" on SYSTEM SETUP when I opened MENU button. I have been trying to get a solution for 2 weeks after something wrong, but nothing is given yet. Please help me know. P.S.: I will throw it into the dumpster when I don't have any answer. I am going to buy new DVR only because CCTV camera and TV are useful. Is there any problem for connection between new DVR and old camera?