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  1. Shwanseb

    Dynacolor 216L mobile view

    Thank you very much for your answer. I will wait until it arrives. Thanks again!
  2. Shwanseb

    Dynacolor 216L mobile view

    Maybe I posted in the wrog topic. Thanks for reply anyway, but my question was related only to DynaGuard device, not to iPhone or other extra hardware. I just want to know how many hours could I record on a let's say 250GiB HDD. Thanks.
  3. Shwanseb

    Dynacolor 216L mobile view

    Hi everyone, I also bought from eBay a DynaColor DynaGuard 216 for my domestic activity, which hasn't arrived yet. I want to use it as standalone, as simple as possible, on only one monitor (no PC connection or extra external harware). My question is how many recording hours/days/weeks do I have with its native build in hard disk? Many thanks!