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  1. bluebedouin


    The video you uploaded is wireless, not wired. Yes but,as stated earlier..... Never mind,thank you for your input.
  2. bluebedouin


    Thank you.I now realise that comparitively speaking this may be a toy!However it still has to be fit for purpose as advertised by the seller.I'm trying to cover all angles before I claim a refund. As I inferred in my first post (introductions) I need help because I have no knowledge of cctv whatsoever.When you say you see nothing weird does that mean that the black screen is a normal thing even when hard wired? Does the wireless transmission automatically shut off when connected by wire & so be unaffected by interference from other transmitters?
  3. bluebedouin


    No,which is why I said,"Do these cameras have these built in internally or is that just part of the software that would work if the correct cameras were used?".
  4. bluebedouin


    Which was why I asked the question,the manual states the ability is there.
  5. bluebedouin


    Pan Tilt Zoom
  6. bluebedouin


    Here's a link to the video as mentioned. http://s77.photobucket.com/albums/j54/bluebedouin/videos/?action=view&current=cctv.mp4
  7. I hope this is the correct forum. I've recently bought a four camera system. I had problems with it from the start in that it "Could not find codec".I managed to solve that problem but now I'm starting to install it properly & find that the wireless connection is very poor.It goes black for about three seconds on occasions too.I'll post a vid of that when it uploads to pbucket(taking forever). I tried a wired connection & the blackness happens with that too,it's as if the system is refreshing itself.Is there a setting I'm missing somewhere,or is it supposed to do that? Another thing is the ptz,it doesn't work.Do these cameras have these built in internally or is that just part of the software that would work if the correct cameras were used? Many thanks in advance for any replies.
  8. bluebedouin

    Mystery DVR

    I've just started using cctv so can't profess to any expertise but the default setting on my system is that the password is blank.
  9. bluebedouin

    Good body every evening.

    Hi folks,found this forum via google.Initially here to get some help but hopefully able to offer some when I get to know more.