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Everything posted by SectorSecurity

  1. SectorSecurity

    HELP. CCTV WIreless transmission

    Just took another look at your picture, why do you have two routes on the 192.168.0 segment, this will cause issues. You need to change your network on the B side to a different network range say 192.168.1 will work. However I don't think this will work if you are trying to setup a point to point with wireless, at least not with setting up the correct routes.
  2. SectorSecurity

    New Business

    I have seen labor go between 40-150$ an hour, more if the job demands it. As far as piggybacking on the insruance, I highly doubt his insurance covers failure to perform, this is what I worry about, second to my general liability. If you install a CCTV system and the place gets robbed and your system didn't work, you may be on the hook for the stolen items. My Insurance covers me should a system I install fail to perform, although we cover this in our contracts that we are not responsible for the health of systems if you do not stick to a maintenance contract. As far as having a friend help, once that friend gets paid, and most friends like to get paid, they become an employee, the other thing you have to worry about is if that friend gets hurt on a customers job site you might have some explaining to do. Not trying to discourage you, just some tips to think about, as for the truck if you are doing just odd jobs then a big enough car is perfect its how I started out.
  3. SectorSecurity

    running wire in two story homes

    I have to second ADI has great prices on their push rods, much cheaper then home depot. Although I recommend you get one of these: http://www.techtoolsupply.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=LSS-XR1000 I know it can seem like a lot of money, but when I don't have to patch holes, or end up in the wrong location it saves me lots of time.
  4. SectorSecurity

    File structure of a linux based dvr

    I say good luck to you sir, I would suggest you seek help from a professional on data recovery, unless you can rechain the file allocation tables to put it all back together. If you can see the files though I don't see what the problem is. The hard drive should not have much of a file structure to it and is more likely referenced in linux as a mount point by the ROM, if this has confused you seek help.
  5. SectorSecurity

    SEVERE Vulnerability in some DVR Firmware

    I would assume so, without actually testing it on a DVR as the mobile ports still need to authenticate and that is what is being attacked is the authentication method, not the web port.
  6. SectorSecurity

    Scrambled Picture

    A picture of the image you are seeing would be really helpful in determining what is causing you to have a bad image, as Kawboy12R suggested it may be as simple as a bad cable, or it may be a ground loop, or could be as simple as the camera is out of focus.
  7. SectorSecurity

    New Business

    A fair labour rate is the one you think you can make money on. I always bill by the hour, I don't care if its a 2 store home or 20 000 sq ft warehouse, they both get billed by the hour. If I have to rent equipment I pass the cost along to the customer. You have to remember there is a lot more then just starting the business and paying for labour, you have insurance, vehicles, stock, employee premiums, there is a lot to it, I suggest you get some quotes on all that before you make your final decision. If you do decide to start the business, then I wish you the best of luck.
  8. SectorSecurity

    remote setup help

    Can you provide more information about the make and model of the DVR you are trying to work with? This would be like me telling you I want you to put electrical in my house and asking if you do this.
  9. SectorSecurity

    POE-Switch on DVR-input ?

    Yes I don't see why this would not be possible, where your problem may be is once you connect the switch you need a router to handle DHCP for you, something tells me the system is probably not assigning IP addresses correctly once you connect the switch to the NVR, try the following: Get a router and connect the NVR on one port and the switchs on 2 of the other ports, then connect the cameras to the switches and see if you get any video.
  10. If you have put the same camera on a different port and gotten a video, then I would have to say you have a DVR problem. I would say return it and get a new one. I have seen even 4000$ DVR's arrive smashed to pieces inside.
  11. SectorSecurity

    Issues with baluns

    Push terminal baluns do save time, but I have never had a problem with the screw down ones, what I usually do is put a twist on my wires before they enter the balun, never had a problem with this. I have seen both crimp connections fall off and baluns fall off, I believe there is a time and a place to use both. I believe both are the same, you get what you pay for, buy cheap compression connectors or baluns and you will have problem, buy good, quality connectors and install them properly and either the balun or compression will withstand the test of time.
  12. SectorSecurity

    HELP. CCTV WIreless transmission

    Yes just setup port forwarding and use the external IP address of point B, type in your socket (IPaddress:Port#) and you can access B from A, very simple, no different then viewing your home network from an external source, let me know if you need a more detailed explanation.
  13. SectorSecurity

    NVR on separate network?

    You have to setup routes on your router to say when you see traffic for the 3.xx network from the 2.xx network forward it out the following port, this will keep you internal. However you will need a network connection between router A (2.xx) and router B (3.xx) with a route defined on both A and B to say when you see traffic for either network stay internal and use the route you have defined.
  14. SectorSecurity

    telnet login sunluxy dvr

    Also try no password, however if you get in I recommend running the command passwd to change the password.
  15. SectorSecurity

    telnet login sunluxy dvr

    Try root and password 123456
  16. Are you talking about the loop ports on the system? If so how do you know they are not working?
  17. I would say just remove the two screws, it is possible there is more but I can't say for sure. And yes when you format nothing actually gets written with 0's, the sectors are simply marked available in the File Table which tells the system you can write data here. Writing 0's to a drive is what we call zeroing the drive, this is the process by which you run software which will actually write 0's, 1's or random data to each sector on the drive several times. This is often referred to as drive wiping. Contrary to popular belief this process does not actually happen when you format a hard drive. If you ever format a hard drive then view it with a hex viewer all the data is still there.
  18. Have you considered looking at IP cameras? Usually I only use HD-SDI if I am converting an existing analog infrastructure and the customer doesn't want to pay to go IP or recable.
  19. SectorSecurity

    I´m getting confused in finding a system

    You also need to remember the limitations of CAT6 cabling 300FT, I also hope you got outdoor/burial cable. You will most likely need local POE injectors close to the cameras if you are running at extreme distances, which means you will need a power source close to each camera. Analog may offer you some more options here on your budget, you can have longer cable runs, up to 2000FT with baluns on twisted pair, you can utilize the CAT cabling you already have. 12V power will still need to be fairly close to the cameras however you should have some play here I have gone several hundred feet, but usually try and stay under 100FT at 12V. If you go analog I would suggest getting 24VAC cameras, much easier to power.
  20. SectorSecurity

    dvs baseline pro 4e ,,,no signal

    My first question would be are you connecting them to the correct output? Please do not take this the wrong way but I have seen it happen. If you are connected to the correct output, do you at least see some system screens or anything on screen at all? How did you connect to the TV? BNC to RCA? how did you connect to the monitor VGA?
  21. SectorSecurity

    Help with Q-See qt428

    Firstly there is a way to check it while in the unit, its in the menu, can't remember where but it is in there. I know a lot of time these systems can be set to reboot on a schedule, sounds like this one has been set to reboot every two minutes, I would check the system options and look for a maintenance settings or reboot setting. Don't put it in your PC and format it, Q-See is running a dumbed down version of linux and will most likely want this to be formatted as a EXT3 filesystem. You should be able to reformat the drive while it is in the system, however I would look for a maintenance option first, as it has been my experience this is usually what causes these systems to reboot.
  22. There are IP encoders which would allow you to convert an analog camera to an IP stream, but to be honest this seems like a ton of work and tinkering for something I can but from my supplier for a couple hundred dollars or less if I wait for it to be on sale.
  23. Usually it is just a quick format as an EXT3 filesystem. If you are asking do they usually erase the data when formatting, the answer is no, even your computer does not do this, it simply marks each sector as available, it does not actually remove the old data. This is what makes data recovery available. I would say to try and reformat the drive again, it shouldn't take more then a few minutes. If you still have doubts take the drive out and pop it in a computer, boot up a linux live CD and mount the drive, this should tell you if there is a problem or not.
  24. SectorSecurity

    Zmodo 16ch H 264 quit recording

    Try a linux boot disk, just google linux boot disk or try Ubuntu Live, the drive is most likely formatted as a Linux partition probably an EXT3 filesystem, meaning windows will see the drive but it doesn't know what to do with it. A Linux boot CD can allow you to boot up and mount the drive and you should be able to see the data then. Then you can copy it off to another hard drive.
  25. SectorSecurity

    telnet login sunluxy dvr

    How have you determined it is possible to connect? have you actually tried opening a telnet session and been greeted with a prompt? This would indicate telnet is available, if you just get a window that quickly closes or you get an error message telnet is most likely not available. Don't know why you would want to use telnet anyways, not like you are going to see any pictures with telnet. All I can recommend is try the same username and password as you would try for the web login, they should be the same.