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Everything posted by SectorSecurity

  1. SectorSecurity

    Need help .. CCTV for ATM ?

    I would be really careful with this one, as this may fall into a sensitive area, something along the line of a skimming device, not say this is what you are trying to do just something to watch out for. And yes the server and everything is inside the ATM, I work for the bank so we have access to all this stuff. I would say things to remember you want to be seeing the people not the pin pad or screen. Are you wanting people to be aware they are on camera when at the machine or not aware?
  2. SectorSecurity

    Do I need a license to install cctv in TN

    Here in Canada, Ontario more specifically I run mine mixed in with my computer security business, everything I have seen suggest because it is low voltage stuff and because I am not providing monitoring I do not require any alarm licencing nor any electrical stuff.
  3. SectorSecurity

    Cheap system

    Is your internet not always on? Teamviewer is a VNC, why not just buy a cheap DVR, if your in Canada or the US, check out tigerdirect.ca or costco.ca or .com for either if in the US, the usually have well priced do it yourself kits. As for accessing it why not just get a router and plug it in through an ethernet cable? If you want to use a computer you should look at a DVR insert card, many companies make them.
  4. SectorSecurity

    Box Camera Counduit drop mount.

    Yes soundy I am looking for something like that, you have a good idea, never thought about trying that. This is the mount I had seen.
  5. So I was at the grocery store the other day, when I happened to look up at the box camera above my head, had been dropped down on what appeared to be a 1/2" conduit pipe from the cieling. However attached to the end of the pipe was a black mount that allowed the box camera to be screwed into it then the mount slips over the end of the poll and is screwed into the poll. (will post a picture I took tomorrow). Does anyone know where I can find these mounts? I have never seen them before and have looked around on the internet but am unable to find them. I do not want a mount to clamps to something like a lamp post, this attaches to the end of the conduit pipe. Any ideas where I can locate these?
  6. SectorSecurity

    connect my dvr to the internet

    Im not going to write out all the steps for you, all I am going to tell you is you need to worry about internal IP address, external IP address, port forwarding and DDNS. The external needs to point to the internal on the correct port and you will most likely need a DDNS solution to keep track of your dynamic IP.
  7. SectorSecurity

    More for the Installation Hall of Shame

    I have the same kit and I love the tools in it, but yes sometimes I have to pull out different tools to get the job done, I slowly add to mine when I see their different tools on sale. Only thing I hate is they discontinued the sales of their Tek4 inspection scope in canada! Not about to drive to the states to get one.
  8. First things first, does it have BNC connectors for more then 4 camreas? If not then the answer is no.
  9. SectorSecurity

    Help playing back H264 file.

    No I dont think it is encrypted, mpeg4 and h.264 are codecs. Do you know the name of the DVR I would assume the manufacturer will have either a player or a converter.
  10. This link may help: http://www.cctvcamerapros.com/CCTV-Video-Ground-Loop-Isolator-p/sp-g01.htm
  11. SectorSecurity

    Ethernet over power to network my dvr?

    Im just wondering if a USB wireless dongle would also work, not sure if it would, chances are your DVR has an underlying linux build it may be able to use a USB wireless card. Might be a little cheaper.
  12. SectorSecurity

    Pico 2000 alternative software

    I dont know what Pico 2000 is but it sounds like it is some sort of HHTP server, you could use something like Apache.
  13. SectorSecurity

    More for the Installation Hall of Shame

    A good hammer drill and a proper metal drill bit will usually work, I mean sometimes my 18V cordless has to take a back seat while I pull out the big toys.
  14. SectorSecurity

    Alternate DNS servers

    OpenDNS is good.
  15. Check the security settings of your browser and ensure you are allowing ActiveX sounds like you have it being blocked.
  16. Yes it does, not having it pointing up will just mean the fan works a little less efficiently.
  17. You still have to do your port forwarding on your router to the internal IP address of the DVR, just having the external IP address is not enough. Find the port the DVR needs to use and then port forward to your IP address of the DVR that way when your router gets external traffic it says ok this socket needs to go to this internal IP address.
  18. I don't see it being on the hard drive you use to record to chances are its stored in a small ROM on the board or somewhere in separate storage on the unit. Have you tried looking on google for this plugin, and it should not have mattered if the HDD on the dvr was replaced the plugin should still be stored on your computer.
  19. SectorSecurity

    KPD616 DVR

    Chances are the hard drive is not formatted, or if it was it was formatted with the incorrect file system, you most likely need to have it formatted as an ext3 linux partition, within the dvr itself there should be an option allowing you to format the drive and the DVR will correctly handle the formatting. If not you could install the drive to a system and format it as an ext3 file system yourself. The other possibility is that the drive you purchased is a larger size then supported by the firmware, what is the size of the drive?
  20. SectorSecurity

    AVI backup from Samsung SRD-1670DC-2TB

    Chances are you are missing a codec, or the codec used to encode the AVI file is not supported by quicktime, try a couple other viewers like windows media player and see if it plays, if not, you will have to locate the correct codec in order to view the AVI file. I would suggest checking the manufacturers website or else the CD if it came with one.
  21. SectorSecurity

    Are any of these any good?

    Dont worry about the manufacturer of the hard drive so much as will the unit support a 2TB drive? This becomes a matter of the firmware installed on the DVR usually you can update the firmware, however just something to check.
  22. SectorSecurity


    When you leave your own wifi you have left the LAN, local area network, a wifi connection down the street does not reconnect you to your wifi thus you are not on your LAN. To access the system you need to determine your external IP address, which is assigned to your modem, and any time you are not on your own wifi this is the address you will need to use to access your system. Google whatsmyip from within your own LAN. As for the other computer is it on the same network? doesn't have to be using wifi but is it plugged into the same router as your dvr? If it is not then the same situation as I mentioned above applies.
  23. Fan will not matter as long as it is able to either bring in air or exhaust it out to keep the unit cool. Just make sure the hard drive is securely mounted within the unit.
  24. SectorSecurity

    Remote viewing using a Thomson Router

    When you opened the ports on your router did you enter the internal IP address the traffic should be routed to? if you simply opened the ports without telling it the internal IP address to route the traffic its like sticking mail in the outgoing mailbox without an address, sure the post office worker will get it but have no idea where to send it.
  25. I would suggest changing your usename and password to your DVR as now everyone knows the URL to access it and the username and password, and with a little digging one would most likely be able to turn up more information, and this opens up an attack vector into your network should the DVR suffer from any security flaws, as you have to remember in the backend it is only running linux.