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  1. DominoPublicity

    Idiot Needing Help with Adding Hard Drive

    Sorry, I was not clear, I meant can I use both at the same time as storage...still not clear..lol The system drive is IDE which I am not going to touch. The storage drive is IDE I would like to add another storage drive, would this have to be IDE as well or could I use SATA ie... can I have 2 different storage formats running at the same time or is it a situation that I can run the system using the IDE drive but storage must be either IDE or SATA but not both together. clear as mud
  2. DominoPublicity

    Idiot Needing Help with Adding Hard Drive

    Hi again, This Dowshu DVR has 2 IDE drives, one for system and the other for storage, is it possible to add SATA drives as storage or would this involve some sort of configuration. The case contains 2 racks inside apparently one for IDE and the other for SATA. All advice welcome/ Cheers Rod
  3. DominoPublicity

    Idiot Needing Help with Adding Hard Drive

    That's great, thanks for your help. Rod
  4. DominoPublicity

    Idiot Needing Help with Adding Hard Drive

    The quick reply is greatly appreciated. I feel better already.
  5. Hi, not really stupid but new to DVR's. I have a Dowshu 7000 (i think), it has a 320 GB hard Drive and I need to add another couple of drives. Do I just turn it off, put in a multiple ribbon, connect HDD's and restart. I tried reading the 89 page manual and it mentions you can have extra storage but no mention on what to do and I emailed DOWSHU twice and got an automated reply and no follow up. Thanks Rod