Recently, the Homeowner Association has been harassing us. They take pictures of every little thing we do to our house. They even sent us a $1,300 fine for planting a flower, A FLOWER, in the front lawn. We've hired an attorney and he will be contacting them soon. However, I feel like my house has become a target. Now the homeowner association has been taking pictures of things that we have never touched outside our house and trying to bill us for it. We got a letter today, and all it had was pictures, like as if it were a threat.
I'd like to know how is spying on our house, and how can I figure out who that is? I would like to confront the individual and just asked them what their problem is. We haven't violated any codes, from what my attorney said, but they still continue to harass us and are also threatening to revoke a few rights including voting rights.
I think I have seen the home owner association "spy" once before in their car infront of our house with a camera one time....But now, I want to catch them. Is there anything I can do? Should I buy some sort of camera system and just sit my ass down and watch it all day? Should I just plant a giant tree in my lawn and just wait for someone to come and take a picture? What would be the most convenient way?