At 5 sites we have old Pelco cameras and at 2 sites we have new Axis cameras. There are 5 cameras at each site, and all the cameras are connected to a Axis video server.
All our cameras set to record 1 fps, and if you view the camera directly you can see that it is showing you 1 fps.
Here is where things really get odd. We use an outside vendor to record all our cameras. If I go to their website, and bring up 1 camera, say a fixed camera, I see video in real-time and bandwidth shoots through the roof (> 90% utilization).
We were thinking of bringing our video recording in-house, but now that we see two different types of behavior from our cameras we can't be sure of our bandwidth requirement.
I would appreciate any thoughts on why video directly from the camera is different from the video we see through our vendor.